Special postgraduate programme "Applied Dramaturgy in Music and Performing Arts"


In music and other performing arts, dramaturges function as observers and communicators. They involve themselves and others (audiences, directors, musicians, actors, stage and set designers, etc.) in work pertaining to collective aesthetics and content. This special postgraduate programme "Applied Dramaturgy in Music and Performing Arts" supports dramaturges in the development and realisation of their ideas and projects in the context of contemporary artistic and dramaturgical practice across all areas of music/performing arts: concerts, music theatre, spoken theatre, performance, dance, and hybrid art forms.

This programme is a two-year postgraduate education programme aiming to add depth to students´ professionalism. Core content includes knowledge from the fields of musical and theatrical dramaturgy  as well as from cultural studies, cultural policy, philosophy, and aesthetics. Dealing with aesthetics and language, structuring and documenting dramaturgical undertakings, and cooperating with international arts institutions are all focuses of this postgraduate programme, which is offered at the Department of Cultural Management and Gender Studies (IKM).

The next special postgraduate programme starts again in Wintersemester 2020 (October 2020)

Duration: 4 semesters, in-service (in German)

Graduation: Master of Advanced Studies  (Applied Dramaturgy)

Number of participants: 22 individuals at most

Participation fee: EUR 2,450 per semester (excl. ÖH charge)


COURSES: blocked once a month (Thu – Sat full-time)

APPLICATION PERIOD: 15th of March until the 8th of June

ENTRANCE EXAMINATIONS: 24th of June and 25th of June

Documents required: Letter of Motivation, Definition of your dramaturgical project proposal, Curriculum Vitae, Certificates

Info Day: April, the 2nd, 2020-CANCELLED

Funding Options & Tax Deductions from course fees (or fees from non-degree programmes)

In Austria there are different Funding Options for Education and Training. Various institutions provide fundings for this purpose.

The specific institution solely determines wheter to provide funding, and if so to what amount. Finding the right funding option depends on many circumstances (Residence, Age, Training etc.).

The following list contains some institutions, that provide funding, but does not claim to be exhaustive.

More information on Funding Options:

Database for Austria, helping to find the right Funding Option

An Internet Platform, listing all Funding Options (EU and Austria)

Database of Austrian Economic Chambers (WKO), informing about Funding Options for Education and Training in Austria and each Federal State



Mag. Barbara Kremser
Head of the MAS Programme Applied Dramaturgy
University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna
Department of Cultural Management and Gender Studies (IKM)

Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1

1030 Vienna
Phone. +43 1 711 55 3412

E-Mail: kremser@mdw.ac.at
Homepage: adrama.at










Peter Ahorner

Gerald Maria Bauer

Kathrin Bieligk

Genia Enzelberger

Susanne Fernandes Silva

Matthias Flatscher

Andrea Glauser

Almuth Hattwich

Philipp Hauß

Carl Hegemann

Ines Kleesattel

Monika Meister

Klaus Missbach

Hans Georg Nicklaus

Robert Pfaller

Haiko Pfost

Christiane Plank-Baldauf

Ela Posch

Monika Rohan-Zallinger

Elisabeth Schack

Ferdinand Schmalz

Andrea Schmidt

Franz Schuh

Ernst Strouhal

Arthur Summereder

Eva-Maria Voigtländer

Kristian Wachinger

Elsbeth Wallnöfer