European Music School Symposium

October 6th & 7th 2017

The Future of Music Schools - today's challenges and tomorrow's solutions

The first European Music School Symposium is organized by the Department of Cultural Management and Gender Studies, University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna in cooperation with the European Music School Union and the Conference of Austrian Music School Associations and will be held on October 6th and 7th 2017 in Vienna.

Due to social changes music schools face big challenges, that have to be met by enhanced advocacy work for music education and creative approaches. These challenges include enabling inclusive access to music schools despite obstacles caused by socio-economic factors, questions of migration, gender issues, digitalization and – in German-speaking countries – the implementation of various forms of all-day schooling.

Music schools assume different positions within the educational and cultural structures of European countries and therefore are required to develop different strategies. The focus on diverse goals while preparing young people for music studies or contributing and shaping regional cultural life leads to varying approaches.

This symposium aims to start a discussion between European experts, scholars and academics on the positioning, legal situations, environment, strategic aims, missions and impact of music schools in Europe and how they can meet these challenges.

_ Positioning and regulations of music schools in Europe

_ Environment of music schools in Europe

_ Missions and measures of music schools in Europe

_ Impact of music schools in Europe



Ms Michaela Hahn,

Ms Sandra Stini,

University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna
Department of Cultural Management and Gender Studies
Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1, 1030 Vienna, Austria
Tel +43 1 71155 3413



Musikschulen in Österreich
Bildungs- und Kulturinstitutionen für musikalische Bildung und Studienvorbereitung mit regionalem Kulturauftrag

⇒ Für deutschsprachiges Publikum findet am Sa 7. Oktober um 14.00 Uhr im Joseph Haydn-Saal der mdw- Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien ein Österreich Podium zum derzeitigen Stand und den zukünftigen Herausforderungen der österreichischen Musikschulen statt. Im hochkarätig besetzten Podium diskutieren u.a. Rektorin Mag.a Ulrike Sych und Gemeindebundpräsident Mag. Alfred Riedl zu den vielfältigen Aufgaben der Musikschulen und erläutern gemeinsam mit VertreterInnen der KOMU sowie weiterer ExpertInnen und MusikerInnen mögliche Lösungsansätze für eine musikalische Zukunft.

als pdf


⇒ March 23rd 2017: Meeting of the cooperation partners in preparation of the First European Music School Symposium on October 6th and 7th 2017, to be held at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna


Photo: ©Sandra Stini


Michaela Hahn, Department of Cultural Management and Gender Studies

Helena Maffli, President of European Music School Union

Ulrike Sych, Rector of the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna

Franz-Otto Hofecker, Department of Cultural Management and Gender Studies


   PROGRAM (pdf)