Cultural policy research

Cultural policy research is one of the research focuses of the IKM. In this research, we investigate economic, social, and political conditions, consequences, and implications of critical contemporary cultural policies in an interdisciplinary manner. Current research themes that we concentrate on encompass (1) cultural diversity, especially through the perspectives of gender, ethnicity, and class, (2) cultural economy and innovation, and (3) globalization of cultural ideas, platforms, and activities including digitalization.


Methodologically, the cultural policy research at the IKM aims at innovating and diversifying cultural research methods by integrating quantitative and mixed methods so that methodological scopes of cultural research can be expanded beyond the established methods of qualitative approaches in this field. To do so, we collect various types of data including surveys, statistics, behavioral experiments, interviews, and text materials, and analyze them in a systematic way by applying econometric and statistical methods.


Our research activities include publication of research outcomes (as forms of international peer-reviewed journals and books, etc.), hosting workshops and seminars (for example, on topics of comparative cultural policy research in the globalization: Europe and Asia), and research collaboration internationally and domestically. To facilitate synergy effects of the research, we work closely with the other research areas of the IKM – cultural institutions studies, cultural studies, and gender studies.