Graduiertenzentrum - Graduate Center


#5 Newsletter Graduate Center


We would like to remind you of three great opportunities for early stage researchers at mdw with deadlines fast approaching.


☞ Career Cake 

The Graduate Center of the mdw is very pleased to offer three free places for pre- and post-docs for the Career Cake of the Career Center of the Ludwig Boltzmann Gesellschaft. The LBG Career Center supports early stage researchers (pre- and post-docs) in Austria in their career development within and outside academia and offers the opportunity to develop individual career paths. Application open until 17th of April 2023.

Publication Fund 2023

The mdw announces its internal funding call for scientific publication projects Publication fund for early stage researchers 2023. The aim of the call is to support excellent publications as part of the career advancement for early-stage researchers, whose dissertation was completed no longer than 5 years ago. Application open until 28th of April 2023.

☞ Ensuring Good Scientific Practice and Academic Integrity 

Academic writing and ethical publishing for doctoral students and early career researchers. The workshop will discuss plagiarism, co-authorship, predatory publishers and peer-review process in order to equip doctoral students and early career researchers with the  knowledge on how to write and publish their research in an ethical way. On site event at Anton-von-Webern Platz 1 on 10th of May, 1-4pm. Registration open until 7th of May.


We hope that these offers are interesting for you and that you will take advantage of the possibilities. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.



Imprint & Disclosure Notice
Studiendekanat für wissenschaftliche Studien
Nikolaus Urbanek, Hanna Brinkmann, Lea Rizzi Ladinser, Sandra Smekal
mdw – Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien
Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1
A-1030 Wien