English version below!

MMRC News #25, Mai 2024

Liebe Abonnent*innen!

Wir freuen uns, euch in diesem Newsletter eine ganze Reihe neuer Entwicklungen am Music and Minorities Research Center (MMRC) zu präsentieren und dabei auch multimediale Einblicke in unsere Aktivitäten zu geben.

Jetzt online: Die digitale Ausstellung Ružake gila ist ab sofort unter ruzakegila.at aufrufbar. Wir wünschen euch viel Spaß beim Eintauchen in den musikalischen Nachlass von Ruža Nikolić-Lakatos (1945-2022).

Wir begrüßen Georgia Curran als neues Mitglied im Advisory Board des MMRC und verabschieden uns von Beverley Diamond, Naila Ceribašić und Stephen Wild!

Mit Veranstaltungsfotos lassen wir den Konzertabend "Sa tja patjivake, Ruža (Dir zu Ehren, Ruža). Lieder von Ruža Nikolić-Lakatos (1945-2022)" Revue passieren und bedanken uns bei allen Beteiligten.

Neu erschienen: Sammelband-Beitrag von Anja Brunner über den Weg zu einer post-westlichen Musikwissenschaft!


Jetzt online: Ausstellung "Ružake gila"


Ružake gila is dedicated to the musical legacy of Ruža Nikolić-Lakatos (19452022). Realised by the MMRC at the mdw – University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna, the project contributes to the visualisation and accessibility of Roma music in Austria. The digital exhibition gives a platform to an extraordinary singer and enables her songs to live on and be passed on.

Ruža Nikolić-Lakatos was an outstanding personality in the world of Roma music in Austria and became publicly known as a representative of Lovara songs in the 1990s. As an ambassador for her people, she made a significant contribution to spreading the music tradition in Austria and recognising the Rom*nja as an ethnic group. Until shortly before her death, Ruža Nikolić-Lakatos, whose first name means "rose", performed regularly with her family, The Gypsy Family, throughout Austria and abroad.

See website "Ružake gila" (English version in progress)


Advisory Board

Neues Mitglied im Advisory Board des MMRC: Georgia Curran

Wir freuen uns sehr über den Beitritt von Georgia Curran (University of Sydney, Sydney Conservatorium of Music) zum Advisory Board des MMRC!

Georgia Currans Forschungsinteressen fokussieren auf indigene Musik und Sprache, Performance Ethnography, kulturelle Kontinuität und Wandel sowie die Pflege und Wiederbelebung bedrohter Musiktraditionen. Willkommen im Advisory Board, Georgia! Wir freuen uns auf unsere zukünftige Zusammenarbeit!

Gleichzeitig danken wir Beverley Diamond, Naila Ceribašić und Stephen Wild, die sich von ihren Funktionen im Beirat zurückziehen werden, für die Zeit und Arbeit, mit der sie das MMRC seit der Gründung unterstützt haben!

Es war uns ein Vergnügen, mit Euch zusammenzuarbeiten, und wir wünschen Euch viel Glück für all Eure aktuellen und zukünftigen Projekte, ob wissenschaftlich oder anderweitig! Wir hoffen, dass es in Zukunft weitere Kooperationen zwischen uns geben wird.

Mehr über Georgia Currans Forschungsinteressen und Projekte erfahren Sie hier


Georgia Curran © privat








"Sa tja patjivake, Ruža (Dir zu Ehren, Ruža). Lieder von Ruža Nikolić-Lakatos (1945-2022)"

Konzertabend an der mdw – Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst


Wir bedanken uns bei allen Beteiligten und Besucher*innen für einen besonderen Konzertabend mit emotionalen, vergnügten und unerwarteten Momenten am 3.Mai an der MDW - Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien.

Ruža's Kids (links), Ursula Hemetek (rechts) © Hanna Fasching

Nach begrüßenden Worten von MMRC-Leiterin Ursula Hemetek, läuteten "Ruža's Kids", namentlich Ružas Tochter Manuela Nikolić, Sohn Mischa Nikolić und Enkelin Shireen Nikolić den Konzertabend mit einem berührenden Auftritt ein, gefolgt von Violinist "Moša Šišić & Family" (Jasmina Šišić, Biki Šišić und Ljubiša Berkić) und dem Ensemble (Pavel Kuzmichev, Lara Kusztrich, Daniela Ivanova, Primož Zalaznik und Herbert Mayr) rund um Sängerin Melinda Stoika und Komponist Ferry Janoska, der ganze eigene Versionen der Lieder Ružas arrangierte. Nach einer spontanen Einlage der ungarischen Romani Band Kalyi Jag endete der offizielle Veranstaltungsteil mit dem gemeinsamen Singen der Rom*nja Hymne "Gelem gelem".

Melinda Stoika, Ferry Janoska & Friends (links), Jasmina & Moša Šišić (rechts) © Hanna Fasching

Ein besonderer Dank geht an das Team des AV-Zentrums der mdw, sowie AGT und Mensa, an "project mosaic – united art and culinarics" für das tolle Catering und Hanna Fasching für die wunderschönen Fotos.

Zu den Veranstaltungsfotos von Hanna Fasching 

"Zu Ehren von Ruža Nikolić-Lakatos" auf Newalds Photoblog, derStandard

Zum Nachhören: ORF Roma-Podcast "Ružake gila | Koncertoskero kirati la Ruža Nikolic-Lakatosake" (in Romanes)


"On the Need to Overcome Westernization and the Idea of Western Music: Towards a Post-Western Musical Scholarship"

von Anja Brunner

Neuer Beitrag von Anja Brunner im Sammelband  "Branding 'Western Music'", herausgegeben von María Cáceres-Piñuel, Alberto Napoli und Melanie Strumbl.

Der Sammelband zielt darauf ab, einen interdisziplinären Dialog über die Überschneidungen zwischen der Prägung des Begriffs "Westliche Musik" und dem institutionalisierten und unternehmerischen Management von Kultur zu fördern. Er untersucht die Entstehung der Bezeichnung "Westliche Musik" im Zusammenhang mit der Kommodifizierung von Freizeit, der Institutionalisierung akademischer Diskurse und der transnationalen imperialen Kulturpolitik.

Mehr Informationen zu Sammelband


 MMRC News #25, May 2024

Dear subscribers!


In this newsletter, we are pleased to present a whole series of new developments at the Music and Minorities Research Centre (MMRC), including multimedia insights into our activities.

Now online: The digital exhibition Ružake gila is now available via ruzakegila.at. We hope you enjoy immersing yourself in the musical legacy of Ruža Nikolić-Lakatos (1945-2022).

We welcome Georgia Curran as a new member of the MMRC Advisory Board and say goodbye to Beverley Diamond, Naila Ceribašić and Stephen Wild!

With event photos we reminisce about the concert evening "Sa tja patjivake, Ruža (In your honour, Ruža). Songs by Ruža Nikolić-Lakatos (1945-2022)" and would like to thank everyone involved.

Newly published: Anthology contribution by Anja Brunner about the path towards a Post-Western Musical Scholarship!


Now online: Exhibition "Ružake gila"


Ružake gila is dedicated to the musical legacy of Ruža Nikolić-Lakatos (19452022). Realised by the MMRC at the mdw – University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna, the project contributes to the visualisation and accessibility of Roma music in Austria. The digital exhibition gives a platform to an extraordinary singer and enables her songs to live on and be passed on.

Ruža Nikolić-Lakatos was an outstanding personality in the world of Roma music in Austria and became publicly known as a representative of Lovara songs in the 1990s. As an ambassador for her people, she made a significant contribution to spreading the music tradition in Austria and recognising the Rom*nja as an ethnic group. Until shortly before her death, Ruža Nikolić-Lakatos, whose first name means "rose", performed regularly with her family, The Gypsy Family, throughout Austria and abroad.

See website "Ružake gila" (English version in progress)

Advisory Board

New member of the MMRC Advisory Board: Georgia Curran

We are delighted to announce that Georgia Curran (University of Sydney, Sydney Conservatorium of Music) has joined the MMRC Advisory Board!

Georgia Curran’s research interests focus on Indigenous music and language, performance ethnography, cultural continuity and change and the maintenance and revitalisation of endangered musical traditions. Welcome to the Advisory Board, Georgia! We look forward to our future collaboration!

At the same time, we thank Beverley Diamond, Naila Ceribašić and Stephen Wild, who will be retiring from their functions on the advisory board, for the time and effort they contributed to the development of MMRC since its inception!

It was a pleasure working with you and we wish you good luck for all your current and future projects, scholarly or otherwise! Hopefully, there will be other collaborations among us in the future!

Find out more about Georgia Curran's research interests and projects here



Georgia Curran © privat


Sa tja patjivake, Ruža (In your honour, Ruža). Songs by Ruža Nikolić-Lakatos (1945-2022)

Concert at the mdw – University of Music and Performing Arts

We would like to thank all participants and visitors for a special concert evening with emotional, amusing and unexpected moments on 3 May at mdw - University of Music and Performing Arts.

Ruža's Kids (left), Ursula Hemetek (right) © Hanna Fasching

After welcoming words by the MMRC's director Ursula Hemetek, "Ruža's Kids", namely Ruža's daughter Manuela Nikolić, son Mischa Nikolić and granddaughter Shireen Nikolić kicked off the concert evening with a touching performance, followed by violinist Moša Šišić & Family (Jasmina Šišić, Biki Šišić and Ljubiša Berkić) and the ensemble (Pavel Kuzmichev, Lara Kusztrich, Daniela Ivanova, Primož Zalaznik and Herbert Mayr) centred around singer Melinda Stoika and composer Ferry Janoska, who arranged his own versions of Ruža's songs. After a spontaneous interlude by the Hungarian Romani band Kalyi Jag, the official part of the event ended with the collective singing of the Rom*nja anthem "Gelem gelem".

Melinda Stoika, Ferry Janoska & Friends (left), Jasmina & Moša Šišić (right) © Hanna Fasching

Special thanks to the team at the mdw's AV Centre, as well as the AGT and Mensa, to "project mosaic – united art and culinarics" for the great catering, and to Hanna Fasching for the wonderful photos.

See event photos by Hanna Fasching 

"Zu Ehren von Ruža Nikolić-Lakatos" on Newalds Photoblog, derStandard

Listen to ORF Roma-Podcast "Ružake gila | Koncertoskero kirati la Ruža Nikolic-Lakatosake" (in Romani)


"On the Need to Overcome Westernization and the Idea of Western Music: Towards a Post-Western Musical Scholarship"

by Anja Brunner

New contribution by Anja Brunner in the anthology "Branding 'Western Music'", edited by María Cáceres-Piñuel, Alberto Napoli and Melanie Strumbl.

The anthology aims to foster an interdisciplinary dialogue on the intersections between the coining of the «Western Music» concept and the institutionalised and entrepreneurial management of culture. It studies the emergence of the trademark «Western Music» in relation to the commodification of leisure, the institutionalisation of academic discourses, and the transnational imperial politics of culture.

More Info about the book


Music and Minorites Research Center (Wittgenstein Project)
mdw – University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna
Tongasse 2/43, 1030 Vienna, Austria

mdw - University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna

FWF - Der Wissenschaftsfonds.