Tuition is € 363.36 per semester for citizens of Austria and EU/EEA countries and € 726.72 per semester for citizens of "third states".

In addition to an individual’s tuition, the ÖH (Austrian Student Union) membership fee of EUR 24.70 must also be paid; this fee includes insurance.

These two fees entail total a per-student contribution of either € 388.06 or € 751.42 per semester.

If you have questions on the amount of tuition that you are required to pay, please visit the Studies Center with the necessary documents (visa, passport, asylum decision document, etc.) during the opening hours or E-mail us at




For the entirety of their degree programmes’ standard periods of study or for their respective phases of study plus two semesters (“tuition-free period”), full-time students from the following categories may apply for temporary exemption:

1. Austrian citizens

2. Citizens of EU/EEA countries

3. Eligible students from third countries who have been granted one of the following types of residence permit:

  •  “Daueraufenthalt – EG” (Permanent Residency – EC) issued by the competent Austrian authority
  •  “Daueraufenthalt – EG” (Permanent Residency – EC) issued by the competent authority of another EU member-state in combination with a residence permit for Austria

4. Students with a residence permit other than “Aufenthaltsbewilligung Student” (Student Residence Permit)

5. Students to whom the Austrian Regulation on Eligible Groups of Persons (PersGV) applies

6. Students who must be conceded the same employment rights as Austrians due to an international treaty.


If the tuition-free period is exceeded, tuition must be paid in the amount of EUR 363.36 for each further semester.


Application for exemption from / reduction of the tuition fee for third-state nationals




You can only be admitted to a programme of study and/or registered for continuation of your studies if you pay the fee that is required of you by the deadline. Partial payment is not possible.

Tuition must be paid within the admissions period! Individuals who fail to do so will either not be admitted or have their registration cancelled!

If transferring payment from abroad, please note that any fees thus incurred must be borne by you.



EXEMPTION (only for EU citizens)


If grounds for exemption exist, full-time students may apply for such exemption at the Studies Center. PLEASE NOTE! Such exemption applies only to tuition! The ÖH membership fee must be paid in all cases, even if one is exempted from paying tuition!

One’s tuition exemption application must be submitted to the Studies Center together with appropriate documentation of one’s eligibility in a timely manner (for the summer semester: by 28. or 29 February; for the winter semester: by 30 September).

The required documents must be submitted as originals or as notary- or court-certified copies. Documents issued in languages other than German or English must be submitted along with translations into German by a court-certified translator.


Statutory grounds for exemption:

In accordance with § 92 Abs. 1 of the Austrian Universities Act (UG), valid grounds for exemption include:


1. Illness or pregnancy

Interruption of one’s studies for at least two months during the semester in question due to illness or pregnancy (documentation: confirmation by a specialist physician);

2. Childcare

Assumption of primary responsibility for taking care of children living in one’s household who are below the age of 7 or have not yet entered school (documentation: child’s birth certificate; one’s own certificate of registration (Meldezettel) and that of the child at the same address; a written declaration under oath that the child is being / has been cared for primarily by the student)

3. Other similar care obligations (confirmation of a specialist doctor, a sworn statement that the person to be cared for is demonstrably being cared for by the student)

4. Disability

A degree of disability of at least 50% (documentation: certificate of disability issued by the Bundessozialamt [Federal Office of Social Affairs]);

5. Military or civil service

Documentation: confirmation issued by one’s military command or by the Alternative Service Agency (Zivildienstserviceagentur)

6. Receipt of Studienbeihilfe (federal aid for students)

Receipt of Studienbeihilfe payments in accordance with the Student Support Act of 1992 (StudFG) during the preceding or current semester (documentation: approval notice from the Studienbeihilfebehörde [Austrian Study Grant Authority]);

7. Mobility programme

Proven participation in periods of study or internships as part of a transnational EU, state, or university mobility programme (e.g. Erasmus, Socrates, Leonardo, etc.) (documentation: confirmation by the responsible coordinator or grant award notification)

8. Study abroad

A period spent studying abroad that is mandated by one’s curriculum (compulsory or elective course or internship in accordance with the rules set forth in one’s curriculum; documentation: confirmation by the head of the study programme in question);

9. Inter-institutional exemption agreement

A partnership agreement between the mdw and the university last attended by a full-time foreign student that stipulates the mutual recognition of tuition exemptions.


University grounds for exemption can be found in the Statute / Statute Part Student Rights.


! I M P O R T A N T !

If you’ve missed the tuition payment deadline or haven’t been able to produce documentation of your exemption eligibility on time, the mandated TUITION MUST BE PAID!! Otherwise, you will not be admitted to / re-enrolled in your programme of study.

Once you have paid your tuition fee, however, you will still be able to apply for reimbursement.


Application for exemption from tuition



Reimbursements differ from exemptions and may be granted forvarious reasons.

The deadline for submitting winter semester tuition reimbursement applications to the Studies Center is 28. or 29. February following conclusion of the semester in question, and 30 September following conclusion of the semester in question is the deadline for summer semester tuition exemption applications.


Tuition is reimbursed in the following cases:


1. Tuition was paid but grounds for exemption arose during the semester in question.

2. The amount of tuition paid was greater than required. In this case, the difference will be reimbursed.

3. Tuition was paid too late or in less than the full amount, for which reason admission could not be granted / enrolment could not be renewed.

4. Tuition was paid, but studies were completed before the end of additional respite period or broken off with no examinations taken and no academic papers submitted during the semester in question. In such cases, tuition will be reimbursed as long as the individual has not been admitted to and/or is not enrolled in another Austrian university.


Application for reimbursement of tuition




Auditors are students who are admitted only to individual courses in academic subjects. Such students must (regardless of their citizenship!) pay tuition in the amount of EUR 363.36 beginning with the first semester of their enrolment.

The total per-semester cost is hence € 388.06.

Auditors who have been admitted only to a certificate programme are exempt from tuition and pay the applicable programme fee plus the ÖH membership fee.