Gender-based harassment

Gender-based harassment constitutes discrimination and is not only highly unwelcome at the mdw, but also illegal!


What is gender-based harassment?

Gender-based harassment occurs when gender-based behaviour is exhibited which injures a person’s dignity or is aimed at doing so, and which is regarded as unwanted, inappropriate, degrading, insulting or offensive by the person concerned.

Gender-based harassment can, for example, manifest in the following types of behaviour:


  • Verbal remarks or gestures to or about a person, or a group of people, based on stereotypical assumptions about genders, e.g. regarding their abilities, their clothing, their appearance or their behaviour
  • Allocation of work tasks based on gender stereotypes, e.g. the allocation of reproductive work to female staff
  • Making “jokes” that are hostile towards women or men, or towards homosexual, bisexual, transgender or intersex people in classes or in the workplace
  • Creating, distributing or displaying texts or pictures that are gender-stereotypical, or hostile towards women or men, or towards homosexual, bisexual, transgender or intersex people
  • Intrusive, unwanted questions about marital status and family planning
  • Objectionable, degrading remarks, insults and pretended “jokes” relating to marital status, family planning and/or family-career compatibility


You can find further specific elements of the offence of gender-based harassment of intersex, transgender and non-binary people here.

Gender-based harassment can never have a basis in the specifics of a course or work at the mdw!


Please contact the Working Group on Equal Opportunities (AKG) if you are being harassed based on your gender: we will help you!

If you witness harassment, don’t look away! Support the victims and refer them to the AKG.

We take rapid, discreet action!