

The term “mobbing” refers to negative (communicative) behaviours and actions which are exhibited/carried out in the work or study environment in a systematic and targeted way and are repeated at regular or irregular intervals.

Mobbing can, for example, manifest in the following types of behaviour:


  • The systematic, targeted marginalisation of individuals in teams and working groups
  • Attacks on the social standing of members of the University, e.g. by spreading rumours
  • Systematic, targeted withholding of information and resources that are relevant to a person’s studies or work
  • Refusing contact and communication that are relevant to a person’s studies or work and excluding them from meetings
  • Derogatory, harassing, offensive and insulting treatment by members of the University e.g. in the allocation of work assignments


All members of the mdw must refrain from mobbing. This also includes the behaviour of teachers towards students in content, form and personal treatment in courses, examination situations, on excursions and at any other university events. As part of their fiduciary duty, all senior and managerial staff of the University are legally required to implement suitable measures and to offer support.

Mobbing constitutes a violation of personal rights and is punishable under service and/or disciplinary law.

In the event of mobbing, victims should contact the AKG, the staff association for scientific or general staff, the supervisors concerned, the Personnel Management Department, and additionally, in the case of students, the Student Union (hmdw).

We take rapid, discreet action! 

We are legally required to maintain confidentiality!



Self-help books and checklist

Arbeiterkammer Wien: Mobbing-Checkliste (“Vienna Chamber of Labour: Mobbing Checklist”)

Haben, Gabriele / Harms-Böttcher, Anette (2000): Das Hamsterrad. Mobbing - Frauen steigen aus. (“The Hamster Wheel. Mobbing – women step off”) Frauenverlag

Kolodej, Christa (2007): Psychoterror on a workplace and its overcoming. Kharkov: Nauchny Mir. (German title: Mobbing. Psychoterror am Arbeitsplatz und seine Bewältigung. Mit zahlreichen Fallbeispielen und Tipps für Betroffene, Führungskräfte und BeraterInnen, 2005)

Smutny, Petra / Hopf, Herbert (2003): Ausgemobbt! Wirksame Reaktionen gegen Mobbing. (“Mobbed out. Effective responses to mobbing”) Manz