Working Group on Equal Opportunities (AKG)


The task of the AKG is to counter discrimination based on gender, ethnicity, religion or worldview, age, sexual orientation and/or disability, as well as sexual and gender-based harassment, and to advise and support the members and bodies of the University in these matters.

In cases of discrimination, the AKG offers information, counselling and support to all members of the mdw.

If you yourself experience discrimination or witness discrimination against third parties, please contact a member of the AKG or contact us through our office.

Strategies and further measures (e.g. talks with all parties involved, appealing to the arbitration committee, appeals against personnel decisions or bringing in the Austrian Equal Opportunities Commission) can be discussed within the framework of counselling interviews. All requests for information will thereby be treated confidentially and, on request, anonymously. All members of the AKG are legally obligated to maintain confidentiality. The victims of discrimination themselves decide who should be informed of their complaint.

In addition, the AKG is represented on appointment and habilitation committees in an advisory capacity and is entitled to be present at entrance and diploma examinations. The AKG must monitor adherence to the mandatory female quota in collegial bodies (50%). Besides this, the AKG also makes a substantial contribution to the implementation of gender-neutral and anti-discriminatory language, fosters the development and expansion of Gender and Diversity Studies and offers sensitisation measures for members of the University.


AKG's meetings

The meetings are not open for public!

Tue, March 19th 2024 10 a.m.
Fri, April 26th 2024 10 a.m.
Thu, May 23rd 2024 10 a.m.
Fri, June 21st 2024 4 p.m.

Arbeitskreis für Gleichbehandlungsfragen

Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1
1030 Wien

Phone: +43 1 71155-8230

Open in mdwOnline