Our Tasks


The task of the Working Group on Equal Opportunities (AKG) is to combat discrimination based on gender, ethnicity, religion or belief, age, sexual orientation and/or disability, as well as sexual and gender-related harassment and to advise and support the members and institutions of the University in these matters.

In cases of discrimination and harassment, the AKG offers information, consultation and support to all members of the mdw. Consultations offer the opportunity to discuss strategies and further steps. All enquiries and information are treated in utmost confidence and, if requested, anonymouslyWe are here to help you!

All members of the working group are bound to confidentiality.

The AKG also offers advice and support to members of the mdw in cases of bullying.

In order to counteract discrimination at our university, the AKG is furthermore entrusted with the following important rights and responsibilities:

  • To serve in an advisory capacity on professorial appointment and habilitation committees
  • To be represented at board examinations (e.g. admission or final examinations), including closed sessions
  • To monitor compliance with the legally prescribed quota of 50% women in collegial bodies, contributing to the equality of women in university decision-making
  • To promote the use of anti-discriminatory and gender-sensitive language
  • To support the development and expansion of Gender and Diversity Studies and awareness-raising measures for university staff
  • To be consulted in the preparation of the Women's Advancement Plan and the Equal Opportunities Plan in accordance with the Universities Act
  • To prepare annual statistics on gender distribution and the quota of women at the mdw
  • To network with other internal and external institutions related to equality and anti-discrimination
  • To participate in thematic events (such as those organised by the Equality, Gender Studies and Diversity Unit)