Let us contact you

We will gladly inform you about the activities of the Alumni Relations at the mdw by email. You can revoke your consent at any time.

Register your e-mail-address here:

Fields marked with * are mandatory to fill out.


Contact us

Feel free to contact us with questions about the university, your past studies, to forward any of your questions to the relevant offices at the university, or if you have ideas for Alumni_ae activities:

Katja Langmaier

T +43 (1) 71155 - 6032 (Mon-Thu, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.)
M langmaier@mdw.ac.at

Visiting hour: Tuesdays 11 a.m.
Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1, 1030 Wien
Building U, Room HP 18






Mag.a Katja Langmaier
T +43 1 71155 6032

Visiting hour:
Tuesdays 11 a.m.

Office of the Rector


Mag.a Anita Taschler, MA
T +43 1 71155 6009

Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1
Building U, Room HP 18
1030 Wien