We Are Happy to See You Again!

If you've graduated from the mdw or spent a significant part of your studies, your working life or your scientific/artistic career at the mdw, you are part of our alumni-community. We at the Alumni Relations Office are your go-to persons if you want to benefit from an international network of contacts, get involved in the topics that are important to you and bring your unique experiences to a new generation of alumni_ae.

Stay Connected


To stay informed about all our activities for and with alumni_ae, register for free on Connect mdw. The digital platform can be used to maintain contacts, network in groups, announce events or exchange interesting facts. Talents and skills can be made visible and professional experience can be passed on through mentoring. Connect mdw keeps us connected.

Register now

More about Connect mdw


Shape What We Do

In 2022, a new direction has been set for our activities. If you would like to contribute topics that are important to you in the development of these activities, if you would like to participate in an exchange of ideas or get involved in another way that is suitable for you, find possibilities to help shape what we do here.







Mag.a Katja Langmaier
T +43 1 71155 6032

Visiting hour:
Tuesdays 11 a.m.

Mag.a Anita Taschler, MA
T +43 1 71155 6009

Office of the Rector

Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1
Building U, Room HP 18
1030 Wien