The arts-based research project AUDIO GHOSTS deals with auditory illusions – auditory impressions that physically do not exist but are still perceived by humans. Auditory illusions can be deliberately used for sound installations to create so-called “auditory ghosts.” Such sound installations are concerned with acoustic environments’ artistic design and experience. […]
Imagine you encounter an immersive listening experience that substantially changes your way of thinking about sound and perception and eventually may even influence your understanding of one’s role and place in society in general. This, in a nutshell, is our vision and motivation to engage with the arts-based research project AUDIO GHOSTS. […]
Here, you can discover more about the current artistic projects within AUDIO GHOSTS!
From experimental sound installations to research-driven compositions, each project explores the impact of auditory illusions on perception and space. By merging artistic exploration with scientific inquiry, AUDIO GHOSTS creates immersive listening experiences that challenge and expand our understanding of sound. […]
Under the title AUDIO GHOSTS OPEN SP·CE curious visitors and fellow artists are invited to explore the current activities of this research project. In a recurring series of events, we present current work-in-progress and offer the opportunity to reflect on the project’s status and discuss possible future artistic research strategies in an informal setting. These gatherings feature interdisciplinary dialogues and experimental showcases, enhancing an open and dynamic environment where ideas, methods, and strategies can be explored collectively. […]