At the mdw itself, you are welcome to seek out advice from the following sources:

The association Verein ChronischKrank® Österreich
offers several free and anonymous advising dates per semester at the mdw:

This organisation is a central point of contact regarding social, financial, psychological, medical, and social law-related concerns as well as interactions with public authorities, supporting affected parties and their dependents in all matters connected with their often multiple chronic illnesses and financial problems. Furthermore, ChronischKrank® Österreich can put interested parties in touch with experts and advisory bodies from a wide range of specialised disciplines.

Psychosocial Counselling for Students – confidential, anonymous, free of charge

The mdw’s Psychosocial Support Centre provides students with confidential counselling to aid in their search for possible solutions to both studies-specific difficulties and situations of personal conflict.


Psychological Counselling Centres for Students

The Psychological Counselling Centres of the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research offer free support when it comes to choosing what to study, beginning one’s studies, coping with the challenges of being a student, and personality development as well as regarding personal problems. Centres exist in Vienna, Graz, Innsbruck, Klagenfurt, Linz, and Salzburg.