Applicants  - We’re happy you’re interested in studying at the mdw!

The mdw offers over 200 degree programs in the fields of music, theater and film as well as in the PhD area. Applicants can use different examination methods for those parts of the entrance examination that they cannot take in the intended form due to a disability or chronic illness. The adapted examination parts cover the same content, but the specific format is based on the possibilities of the respective applicants. When registering for the entrance examination in mdwOnline, you can specify the need for different examination methods for individual examination parts. To do this, write directly in the corresponding free field those parts of the examination for which adaptations are necessary. If you have any ideas for alternatives, you can also make a note of these. The representative for students with disabilities and chronic illnesses will then contact you and the chairpersons of the respective admission examination committees to discuss and coordinate the adaptations. At this point, you will also be asked to submit a specialist, diagnosis-free confirmation of study-related restrictions. Of course, you can also contact us at any time in advance to find out about a specific study program and possible adaptations.

As a new student, you are exempt from the new requirement of the Universities Act for minimum academic achievements for the first four semesters (according to § 59a para. 5 UG ) if you belong to the group of disabled persons according to § 3 BGStG. In this case, please contact Ms. Petra Weissberg as head of the mdw StudyCenter.


Students at mdw

For mdw students with disabilities or chronic illnesses, the legal right to alternative examination methods also extends to course examinations. (The corresponding legislative text can be found in § 59 para 3 subpara 12 of the Austrian Universities Act of 2002.)

Please request adaptations directly from your instructor should you require examination materials in large print, additional time, or similar. The mdw’s Student Accessibility Coordinator will likewise be happy to provide you with advice and concrete help on such matters.

Should you be unable to reach agreement regarding an alternative format with your instructor or examiner, it is also possible to involve the Director of Studies, who has the authority to issue an official decision on appropriate changes to the examination format.

An information sheet and application form for alternative examination methods can be found at the web presence of the Director of Studies.


In all cases, the mdw’s Student Accessibility Coordinator will be happy to provide you with support.

Dipl.-Heil.Päd.(FH) Katharina Pfennigstorf, MBA