What is meant by ...?


Appointments Commission

In order to institute a professorial appointment procedure pursuant to Section 98 UG, the Senate shall appoint and authorise an Appointments Commission.

Gender-balanced composition

Once a collegial body is established, it must inform the Working Group on Equal Opportunities (AKG) immediately of its composition. The relevant form can be found here.


Evaluators in the context of professorial appointment procedures pursuant to Section 98 UG are required to assess the suitability of the applicants for the advertised position on the basis of their submitted applications.

Guidelines for professorial appointment procedures pursuant to Section 98 UG

Specific information on the procedure at the mdw can be found in the internal guidelines for professorial appointment procedures.

mdwBewerbungsportal (application portal)

Applications for an advertised professorship at the mdw can only be submitted via the digital application portal “mdwBewerbungsportal”. All relevant documents, including letter of motivation, curriculum vitae, degree certificates, etc., must be uploaded on the portal in PDF format.


With the mdwBox, all relevant documents are passed on to the Commission members quickly and securely.

University Bulletin

The mdw University Bulletin is published online and available to the public. It contains, among other things, announcements on job advertisements, appointments of Commission members and evaluators, as well as information on new professorial appointments.


University professors are responsible for the advancement and appreciation of the arts (EEK) and for research and teaching in their respective fields. They are employed by the university. University professors are appointed by the Rector following the professorial appointment procedure in accordance with Section 98, Section 99 oder Section 99a.

Taking minutes of the meetings

The Rectorate has issued an internal guideline for secretaries who take written minutes of professorial appointment procedures.