Open Access Policy of the mdw

1. Preamble

The mdw is committed to free and open access to academic and artistic knowledge and attends to its social responsibility as a public institution with regard to the research results that it generates.

2. Concept and Manifestations

Open access (OA) entails making academically and artistically generated knowledge available to end users via the Internet in a way that is free of charge, unhindered by any technical legal barriers, and sustainable.

Open-access publications facilitate immediate visibility and are potentially accessible to a comprehensively broad range of interested individuals.

In the interest of affording sustainable access, long-term archiving, persistent identification, and declaration of permissible uses (licences) are integral elements of open access.

Characteristic manifestations of open access include, in particular:

  • Gold Open Access” or “the Golden Road”: publishing in an original open-access medium, such as can be found in the Directory of Open Access Journals (

  • Green Open Access” or “the Green Road”: authors’ self-archiving of their own works using discipline-specific or institutional repositories or platforms simultaneously with said works’ publication in other media (e.g., print or digital media subject to licence) following the expiration of any embargos

3. Position of the mdw

The mdw encourages its researchers as well as others who publish academically and work at the mdw1 to make their academic and artistic publications accessible to the general public in open-access form. This presupposes that authors retain their own exploitation rights and protect their publication rights for OA publications.

The mdw also calls on its researchers as well as others who publish academically and work at the mdw to prepare their work for publication in open-access form; this applies in particular to rights clearance with regard to any images, illustrations and other external elements used in the texts.

The mdw asks its researchers as well as others who publish academically and work at the mdw to store their publications on the mdw’s own publishing platform pub.mdw and to clarify the options for their use by third parties by granting a licence. With regard to the handling of underlying research data, please refer to the relevant guidelines issued by the Rectorate.

4. Measures and Support

The staff of the University Library is available to help with any general and organisational questions regarding the publishing process, and the mdw department responsible for research support can be contacted for questions related to the funding of publication projects and funding agency criteria. Moreover, the Competence Center for Academic Integrity at the mdw provides advice on issues related to the publication of theses.


1  “Researchers” here means all individuals attached to the mdw (including students, employees, and doctoral candidates) who conduct academic or artistic research in the area of music and other performing arts. In this same sense, the above also applies to individuals who are not attached to the mdw but use mdw facilities for research purposes under a corresponding written agreement (e.g. through funding contracts, research contracts, consortium contracts, cooperation agreements, etc.), particularly in the context of projects in cooperation with external researchers or with other research institutions.



The mdw's Open Access Policy (in German) was adopted by the Rectorate on January 9, 2018 and announced in the 2017/18: 7 Mitteilungsblatt of January 17, 2018.

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Open Access Support

For advice, please turn to Max Bergmann:
Tel. +43-1-71155-8122

General questions

