Open Access

The basic idea of ​​Open Access is that publicly funded research results should be freely accessible and re-usable for the interested public.

In 2018, the mdw committed itself to this goal with its OA policy. The mdw operates the OA university publisher mdwPress, the OA publication server pub.mdw and an OA publishing fund.

Open Access and Reusability

Open Access means making scientific publications available free of charge over the Internet so that they can be read and downloaded without the need to register. In addition, Open Access should enable publications, for instance, to be
    ​ - disseminated on other digital platforms,
    ​ - copied and printed for educational purposes,
    ​ - included in corpora for text and data mining and
    ​ - converted to other file formats for long-term archiving,
– ​ without having to consult the authors or the publisher in each individual case.

On these websites, you can read more about OA publishing and about the background and history of OA.

Open Licenses

Most OA publication platforms use the Creative Commons licensing system (CC licenses) in order to communicate clearly and in a machine-readable manner which forms of re-use are permitted by the owners of the copyright. According to the Berlin Declaration on Open Access to Knowledge in the Sciences and Humanities from 2003, only texts under open licenses (e.g. CC-BY and CC-BY-SA) are considered OA.

In the info section of our OA publication server pub.mdw, you can read more about CC licenses (question 7).

Open Access as a Funding Requirement

Many research funding organizations follow this definition, e.g. the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) and the European Commission (e.g. Horizon 2020). OA publications are increasingly becoming a requirement for research funding. For more information on this, please refer to the Research Support Office, which also handles the OA publishing fund.

Support of Global OA Infrastructures

Open Access publishing requires the stable operation of a variety of technical and organisational infrastructures. In order to meet the growing requirements for open scholarly communication, they must continuously be further developed. It stands to reason, therefore, to promote, develop and use infrastructures in global cooperation wherever possible. Against this background, the mdw currently supports the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), which is binding for several years.


Open Access Support

For advice, please turn to Max Bergmann:
Tel. +43-1-71155-8122

General questions




Open Access Office Hour
Summer Semester 2024

The Open Access Office Hour will take place again in the summer semester 2024.

The dates:

Monday, 18.03.24, 14:00-15:00
Monday, 29.04.24, 14:00-15:00
Monday, 17.06.24, 14:00-15:00

All dates in Group Room 1 in the university library.

Would you like to arrange an individual consultation? Please contact Max Bergmann,