In relation to many recent literary works that move around the format of literary autosociobiography (A. Ernaux, 2017; D. Eribon, 2016; J.D. Vance, 2017) – an autobiography written in regard to and contextualised within the frame of social class and larger historical developments – Confronting Realities asks from an art practical and theoretical point of view how the format of cinematic autosociobiographies can be explored, described and produced, especially focusing on the fundamentally collaborative character of filmmaking. The projects’ main objective is the art practical and theoretical exploration, description and production of cinematic autosociobiographies.

The project is designed on four levels: Level (1) of Autosociobiographical Explorationthat will create three exploration groups over the course of two months embedded in half year cycles – the “Laboratory of cinematic autosociobiographies” (LAFA). LAFA tries to probe, explore and search, to make accessible and to contextualize one’s biography from an art-based perspective. Level (2) of Cinematic Forms and Techniquesintends to develop and create narratives and cinematic techniques of cinematic (auto)sociobiographies and translating them into cinematic formats. Level (3) of Interdisciplinary and Theoretical Contextualization wishes to build a strong foundation and interconnection between art-based, theoretical and interdisciplinary research about sociobiographies, cinematic forms and collaborative strategies of art production. Level (4) of Reflection and Evaluation intends to build a reflective framework around the project. During all these stages the “Digital Archive of Cinematic Autosociobiographies” (DAFA), a website-based representation and documentation platform, will ensure an ongoing dissemination and documentation of the project.

The project is hosted by The Institute for Film and Television – Film Academy Vienna / mdw – University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna and is financed by the FWF (FWF PEEK, AR 628).

Project Proposal by Barbara Wolfram, Nina Kusturica, Elena Meilicke, Christina Wintersteiger-Wilplinger and Claudia Walkensteiner-Preschl.

The project explores, describes and produces cinematic autosociobiographies - autobiographies in regard to and contextualized within the frame of social class and larger historical developments, explored and expressed through cinematic formats.

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DAFA - Digitales Archiv filmischer Autosoziobiografien

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LAFA - Labor für filmische Autosoziobiografien

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