Closeness/distance of my Siblings
1 mobile phone video – 00min10
The mobile phone video was created in response to the question
Describe your sibling relationship
The video was created at home in the third laboratory on the subject of siblings.
The mobile phone video shows three strings on a white table. One string is red, one is black and one is dark green. The strings lie on the table in different shapes and at different distances from each other. They do not touch each other, there is space in the centre. The camera moves closer to the centre of the strings until the space in the middle fills the entire screen.
There are four of these mobile phone videos in total.
How would you describe your sibling relationship?
How would you depict it using artistic means so that other people can recognise this relationship?
How has this sibling relationship changed over time?
Intuitively – what factors of social class, age, location, sex, ability and gender play into your relationship with your siblings?