1. Wo nehme ich meinen Vater/ Väter in meinem Sein/ Leben/ Körper/ Zukunft wahr?
  2. Wie habe ich / nicht Männlichkeit von meinem Vater/ Vätern gelernt? (Was bedeutet Männlichkeit überhaupt?)
  3. Was/ Wer sind Vater/ Väter-Idole oder Vorbilder für mich?
  4. Wie würde ich mein Vater-Sein für mich definieren?


Lass die Fragen wirken, nimm dir Zeit sie für Dich allein zu beantworten oder dazu zu assoziieren. Finde ein Form diesen Prozess zu archivieren.

Finde dann alleine oder zusammen mit einer anderen Person aus der Gruppe eine künstlerische Übersetzung dieser Fragen.





Find any form of artistic expression for (essential questions from Elisabeth Keating):

  • What did their windows look out onto?
  • What did they hear when they woke up in the morning?
  • What were family dinners like?
  • How did you express emotions?
  • Where did you buy food and/ or clothes?
  • How was your childhood home and your neighborhood?

Adaption for LAFA – present tense:

  • What are their windows looking out onto?
  • What are they hearing when they are waking up in the morning?
  • How do you meet as a family, with your siblings?
  • How are you and your siblings expressing emotions?
  • How often do you hear from each other?
  • How do you primarily communicate?
  • What is the difference between friends and siblings?
  • What is a generational boarder?
  • What different roles do you and your siblings have to each other?
  • Inheritance – is that a topic between you and your siblings?
  • How are you and how did you celebrate each other’s including your own birthday?
  • How does family meals look like? How did they look like?
  • What is rich people food?
  • What are archives that are not from the elite?
  • Confronting Realities – Intertwining Realities
  • What of you and your siblings is still in your parents’ home?

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