Mobile phone video - 00min12
Hand Of My Father
Mobile phone video, 00min12
The mobile phone video was created from an exploration at home on the question from the Absurd Questionnaire for father/fathers
I am sure about this/ I am sure that
The video was recorded at home in the second lab on the topic of fathers.
The video shows the Artist Researcher’s left hand on the marked left hand of his/ her/ * father. Finger by finger, he/she/ * lifts the hand from the sheet of paper and the imprint of the father’s hand becomes visible.
My hand looks exactly like my father’s, so we are surely related.
Where does our body bear the body of our father(s)?
How do I notice that?
What do my hands, my eyes, my legs, my face, my hair, my movements, my words, my voice, my dialect look like?
What emotions do I associate with it?
What memories do I associate with my father’s hand?
What memories do I associate with my father’s hand in terms of social class, age, gender, place?
What artistic translation do I find for it?