The Hands of my Mother

Drawn, digital video – 0min24


The impulse for this video was:

‘What gesture, what movement do I associate with my mother? 

Which gesture, which movement describes my mother so that someone I don’t know would recognise her?’

Before this impulse was processed, there was a physical exploration and a physical impulse: In which movement do I feel my mother? 

Using the 5×5 scheme, we each searched for 15 minutes for the movement and the area of the body that most strongly carries the physical memory of the mother.

The video is digitally drawn and animated by the artist researcher. The mother held the hand and wrote her thoughts on the back of the hand. These thoughts and stories slowly find their way into the world. 


Which gesture, which movement do I associate with my mother?

In which part of my body is this movement located?

What happens when I perform this movement myself?

What memories arise?

Would I still do the movement today?

What stories do I associate with this movement?