Artistic Research

The research support office promotes the further development of methods, projects and discourses in the field of artistic research by providing advice and information through its Project Service for applications as part of the FWF's PEEK programme, the AR-Pilot Call and events, projects and other measures in close cooperation with the Artistic Research Center (ARC) of mdw. mdw has been a member of the Society of Artistic Research.


©noid 2017 Angélica Castello, Magnetic Room, sound installation/composition 2017


Spirits in Complexity (PEEK, 2023)

Sound as Score (PEEK, 2023)

Philosophy in the Arts: Arts in Philosophy (PEEK, 2023)

Etüden für Live-Elektronik | Études for Live-Electronics (PEEK, 2022)

Building Bridges in Polarized Societies by means of Art and Research. Film - Wien - ArbeiterInnenmilieur - Rechtspopulismus (2021, "Call Künstlerische Forschung" der Stadt Wien)

Atlas of Smooth Spaces. Notating, communicating and composing spaces in audio-corporeal practices (PEEK, 2021)

Confronting Realities. Working on Cinematic Autosociobiographies (PEEK, 2021)

DEMEDARTS. Demetia.Empathy.Education.Arts. Artistic Research on Patterns of Perception and Action in the Context of an Aging Society (PEEK, 2020)

Rotting Sounds (PEEK, 2018)

Creative (Mis-)Understandings (PEEK, 2018)


Publications & Events



Research Support

Mag.a Therese Kaufmann, MA

Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1
1030 Wien
1. Stock, Raum B 01 23
Tel. +43 1 711 55-6101