Open Access at mdw

mdw is committed to free and open access to scientific and artistic findings and thus fulfils its social responsibility as a public institution with regard to the research results generated at it.

In January 2018 the rectorate adopted the Open Access Policy of mdw. mdw's publication server pub.mdw serves as a platform for self-archiving and making available texts by mdw employees. The mdw's Open Access Publication Fund supports various publications in Open Access.

Since 2021, digital as well as printed Open Access publications can be published in mdw's own scientific publishing house mdwPress.

In addition, the Research Support Office, in close cooperation with the University Library, supports the discourse on the topic and the implementation of the related strategic plans through a series of measures, projects and events.

Open Access Office Hours (walk-in)
Gruppenraum 1, ub.mdw

  • from 24.10.2023 | 14.00-15.00


Events Review

20. März 2018 - Meine Forschung = Meine Daten?
Vorträge und Diskussion

5. Dezember 2017 - Open Access Maßnahmen und Perspektiven für die mdw

5. April 2017 - Publizieren in Open Access - Was bedeutet das für mich als Wissenschafter_in?

9. März 2017 - Von Daten und Werken. Dynamiken des freien Zugangs
Vorträge und Diskussion

1. Dezember 2016 - Open Access - Auf dem Weg zu einer mdw-Strategie
Vorträge und Diskussion


Research Support

Mag.a Therese Kaufmann, MA

Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1
1030 Wien
1. Stock, Raum B 01 23
Tel. +43 1 711 55-6101