AT2OA - Austrian Transition to Open Access
Together with all 21 Austrian universities, mdw is participating in the AT2OA project, which is financed by the BMBFW from the higher education structural funds. The aim of the project, which is led by the Vienna University Library, is to contribute to the changeover to Open Access for publications and to implement supporting measures.mdw is primarily involved in subprojects 3 (establishment and expansion of an OA publication fund) and 4 (promotion of OA publications). In the context of the project mdw is realizing the publication platform pub.mdw as well as mdw’s own publishing service mdwPress.
Andrae, Magdalena; Blechl, Guido; Bodnar, Vitali; Capellaro, Christof; Ferus, Andreas; Herrenbrück, Robert; Kaier, Christian; Kranewitter, Michael; Leitner, Edith; Liska, Martina; Mayrgündter, Eva; Ohrtmann, Linda, Pichler, Franz; Steinrisser-Allex, Gregor:
Open-Access-Publikationsfonds an österreichischen Universitäten 2017-2020. Eine Bilanz aus Teilprojekt 3 von "Austrian Transition to Open Access". 2020
DOI: 10.31263/voebm.v73i3-4.5274
Capellaro, Christof; Kaier, Christian; Andrae, Magdalena; Blechl, Guido; Bodnar, Vitali; Ferus, Andreas; Formanek, Daniel; Kranewitter, Michael; Leitner, Edith; Liska, Martina; Mayrgündter, Eva; Rieck, Katharina; Steinrisser-Allex, Gregor: Open-Access-Publikationsfonds. Einrichtung und Förderbedingungen (Version 1.0). 2019.
Further Information
Mag. Vitali Bodnar, MAS
Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1
1030 Wien
1. Stock, room no. B 01 23
Tel. +43 1 711 55-6114