AR-Pilot: Call for Artistic Research Projects at the mdw

For the fourth time, the mdw in 2024 has invited applications for internal funding for pilot projects in the field of artistic research. A total of € 20,000 are available for innovative research projects clearly demonstrating the use of appropriate artistic research methodology and serving as pilots for potential third-party funding applications, especially within the framework of the FWF's PEEK programme. Preference will be given to projects leading to prospective publications (e.g. in the Research Catalogue), as well as to transdisciplinary and collaborative projects.

All members of the mdw, in particular emerging artists and early-stage researchers, including (PhD or Doctor Artium Program) students, are eligible to apply. Projects should be implemented within the course of twelve months. Up to € 5,000 are available for each successful application.

Selection criteria

•    Artistic and theoretic quality (considering a third-party funding application)
•    Artistic-scientific and/or social relevance
•    Feasibility of the project (within one year)

Selection procedure

Successful applications will be determined by an interdisciplinary jury of internal and external experts under the direction of Prof. Johannes Kretz. Final decisions are expected to be announced by the end of May 2024.

Application documents

•    project description and timeline (max. 3 pages)
•    short CV and a list of relevant publications, artworks and other achievements (max. 2 pages)
•    Cost Calculation (in tabular format)

Applications must be submitted by 21.04.2024 to with the subject “AR-Pilot application”.

Eligible costs

All direct costs (staff, equipment and travel costs, subcontracts, and other substantiated costs) in connection with the implementation of the project as well as the presentation and publication of results are eligible for funding. Co-financing through personal or third-party funds is possible. Payments are to be made directly through the respective department or the Artistic Research Center.


A final report must be submitted within three months of the end of the project, together with a breakdown of costs (in tabular form) and a comparison of planned and actual expenses. If applicable, funding recipients are required to store open access materials in the publication platform pub.mdw or publish it in the Research Catalogue. Other outputs (videos, audios and other research data) are to be deposited in the mdwRepository for long-term preservation purposes.

Performing Gestures/Kinaesthetic
Backgrounds in Music and Dance Johannes Marian: Performing Gestures. Kinaesthetic Backgrounds in Music and Dance, AR Pilot-Call 2018. © Constantin Georgescu.

AR-Pilot 2024

Approved Projects

Stephan Geene (IKM): Performing Plastics Object, Materiality, (negative) Form, and Value 

Ivar Roban Krizic (ARC): Difficulties

Wei-Ya Lin, Ragnheiður Erla Björnsdóttir, Jelizaveta Vovka (ARC): Meeting (of) Sonic Beings. Children as Artistic Researchers

Kerstin Parth, Laura Ettel (Filmakademie): In die Hand nehmen. Emanzipatorische Explorationen der Kameraarbeit

Jagoda Szmytka (ARC): Monodrama on Mobility. Chamber opera for voice and chamber ensemble

Arne Vogelgesang (ARC): Affording bodies


Ruth Anderwald
Angélica Castelló
Thomas Grill
Therese Kaufmann
Johannes Kretz (Vorsitz)

AR-Pilot 2022

Approved Projects

Ivar Roban Krizic, Christian Grüny (ARC): Performing Reflection

Isabel Frey, Benjy Fox-Rosen (ARC): Challenging the Theater of Memory. Yiddish Song beyond Kitsch and Stereotype

Bernhard Gál (IKE): Sonic Ghosts. Intersubjektives Klanglabor zur Beforschung auditiver Wahrnehmungsphänomene

Brigitte Wilfing, Jorge Sánchez-Chiong (ARC): when we play. Bandbewegungen

Thomas Grill (IKE): Spirits in complexity

Tian Fu (ARC): An Integration of Rap Music and Neue Musik


Ruth Anderwald
Thomas Grill
Therese Kaufmann
Johannes Kretz (Vorsitz)
Wei-Ya Lin


AR-Pilot 2020

Approved Projects

Adrian Artacho Bueno (IKE): Social d[ist]ancing. Development of a networked artistic practice out of confinement: six case studies

Paul Florian Ebhart (IKE): Performance auf skulpturalen, programmierten Bühnen/Klangkörpern

Michael Hudecek, Christina Zurbrügg (Filmakademie Wien): CLARA. A new Voice for Clara Wieck_Schumann

Barbara Wolfram, Christina Wintersteiger (Filmakademie Wien): (NOT) ENTERING EVERY ROOM. Eine künstlerisch-wissenschaftliche Exploration zu (Klassen)-Scham und -Stolz

Conny Zenk (IKE): RAD PERFORMANCE - Sonic Environment & Klangforschung - eine chorische Bewegung mit mobilen Lautsprechern


Susanne-Valerie Granzer
Thomas Grill
Therese Kaufmann
Johannes Kretz (Chair)
Ruth Matheus-Berr


AR-Pilot 2018

Approved Projects

Vasilis Chatziioannou (IWK): Sound Synthesis Using Virtual Acoustic Instrument

Julia Fent (IKM): Emergence Of the Excluded – Post-Sovereign Subjects in Music Therapy

Nina Kusturica, Barbara Wolfram, Christina Wintersteiger, Elena Meilicke, Claudia Walkensteiner-Preschl (Filmakademie Wien): Confronting Realities. Arbeit an filmischen Autosoziobiografien.

Melanie Unseld (Institut für Musikwissenschaften und Interpretationsforschung): Bilderzyklus, Autobiographie oder Musiktheater? Charlotte [sic] Salomons Singespiel „Leben? Oder Theater?“

Johannes Marian (Ludwig van Beethoven Institut für Klavier und Cembalo in der Musikpädagogik): Performing Gestures/Kinaesthetic. Backgrounds In Music And Dance, presented under the title Body(re)Forms - (An)Notations on December 6 2018 at Anton Bruckner Privatuniversität

Doris Ingrisch (IKM): Intra-Viewing. Die Kunst, Gespräche im Inbetween zu führen. Ein Design-Studio. published in the Research Catalogue

Marko Kölbl (IVE): traditional||:performance:|| art. Ethnographische Forschung auf der Bühne

Sebastian Brauneis (Max Reinhardt-Seminar): The Potential Of VR In Theatre Acting

Monika Smetana (Institut für Musiktherapie): Feasibility-Studie. Kunst in der Musiktherapie: Dialog im Fokus, presented at the World Congress for Music Therapy 2020 with a Poster and Presentation


Susanne-Valerie Granzer
Johannes Kretz (Chair)
Ruth Mattheus-Berr (Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien)
Johannes Meissl



Research Support

Mag.a Therese Kaufmann, MA

Leonie Huber, MA

Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1
1030 Wien
1. Stock, Raum B 01 23
Tel. +43 1 711 55-6101