Like Science to your Ears - How To Produce Your Own Science Podcast?

(Science) podcasts are in everyone's ears: They make it possible to immerse oneself in topics, gain insight into a wide variety of research questions and scientific disciplines, and get to know the personalities of researchers. Podcasts allow an individual design with relatively simple means. Produced as series, they are very well suited for a professionally sound and target group-oriented form of science communication.

The multi-part workshop Wissenschaft im Ohr: How do I produce my own science podcast? took place for the second time at the mdw - University of Music and Performing Arts and aimed to accompany the podcast ideas of a small group of young scientists from different scientific disciplines in their practical implementation. Under the guidance of Julia Grillmayr, herself an active science podcaster, the first day of the workshop in June 2021 taught the basics and the first steps in production. Over the summer, participants were able to work on their own ideas before individual question and feedback sessions took place at the end of September.

The final session was a joint Hör-Café (listening café) in November, where participants could also give each other feedback. The interdisciplinarity in the group was a particular enrichment, because it meant that it was possible to check at the same time whether the content was also comprehensible to "non-specialists".

To the podcasts that were created as part of "Wissenschaft im Ohr - How to produce your own science podcast?"

WTZ Ost Success Story "Wissenschaft im Ohr"

Podcasts in the mdwMediathek



Mag.a Anna Wukovits-Zethner

Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1
1030 Wien
1. Stock, Raum B 01 23
Tel. +43 1 711 55-6113


Photo: vireshstudio (Pixabay)