& Kurt Blaukopf Award 2024 for outstanding dissertations at the mdw

For the third time, the Rector of the mdw – University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna will be presenting the Herta & Kurt Blaukopf Award for outstanding dissertations at the mdw on 19 June 2024 at 5 pm in the Banquet Hall. The award serves to highlight extraordinary achievements in the context of academic doctoral studies and to support early-stage researchers in their subsequent academic careers.

The Herta & Kurt Blaukopf Award is granted by a transdisciplinary internal jury under the chairmanship of the Dean of Research Studies on the basis of independent external evaluations.

Awardees 2024:

Elena Minetti: "Schrift als Werkzeug. Schriftbildliche Operativität in Kompositionsprozessen früher musique mixte (1949–1959)" (Department of Musicology and Performance Studies)

Irena Müller-Brozović: "Resonanzaffine Musikvermittlung in Konzertsituationen" (Department of Music Education Research)

Barbara Wolfram: "Moving The Needle. The Portrayal and Representation of Gender and Diversity in Austrian Feature Films of the years 1997-2017" (Department of Film and Television – Film Academy Vienna)


Call Herta & Kurt Blaukopf Award 2024

Awardees 2022

Awardees 2019

About Herta and Kurt Blaukopf



Research Support

Mag.a Therese Kaufmann, MA

Leonie Huber, MA

Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1
1030 Wien
1. Stock, Raum B 01 23
Tel. +43 1 711 55-6101
