and Kurt Blaukopf Award for Outstanding Dissertations at the mdw 2024

EXTENSION: new deadline - 19.1.2024

For the third time, the Research Support of the mdw – University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna announces the Herta & Kurt Blaukopf Award for outstanding dissertations at the mdw. The award serves to highlight extraordinary achievements in the context of academic doctoral studies and to support early-stage researchers in their subsequent academic careers.

The Herta & Kurt Blaukopf Award is granted by a transdisciplinary internal jury under the chairmanship of the Dean of Research Studies on the basis of independent external evaluations. A total of 8000 euros will be awarded to the selected dissertations. The award is presented by the Rector of mdw in a formal ceremony.

Please note the following submission criteria:

  • The dissertation must have been prepared as part of the scientific doctoral programme at mdw.
  • The successful doctoral defence was passed with distinction no earlier than 2022.
  • The dissertation must not have already been submitted under a previous call for applications for the Herta & Kurt Blaukopf Award.

The content-related criteria for the award are:

  • The research question must display originality.
  • The dissertation is relevant within the scientific research context and/or with regard to current socio-political issues.
  • The theoretical and methodological approach of the dissertation is of high quality in regard to the research question.

Please send the completed application form and the dissertation together with its assessment and an academic CV including a list of publications (max. 3 pages) to forschungsfoerderung@mdw.ac.at by 19 January 2024 (12:00 noon, CEST) at the latest.

The Rector: U. Sych


Further Information

Leonie Huber, MA

Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1
1030 Wien
1. Stock, Raum B 01 23
Tel. +43 1 711 55-6101



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