Call for Working Group Members in the European University Alliance IN.TUNE

The European University Alliance IN.TUNE invites students, teachers, researchers and staff from its partner institutions to contribute to its common goals by participating in a working group as part of Work Package 4: "Strengthening our research dimension".

Their expertise, experience and active participation in the IN.TUNE working groups is essential to the success of the Alliance and will also bring important benefits to the participants themselves.

Work Package 4: "Strengthening our research dimension" will comprise three Working Groups over the four-year period 2024-2027. One person from each partner institution will be nominated for each of the working group.

Information on the call and further information

All Working Groups will work closely with the WP4 Committee. The WP4 Committee has developed a framework of activities, tasks and deliverables and will oversee the implementation of the activities. The committee will liaise with the working groups through the working group spokespersons.

Deadline for submission of expressions of interest: 31 July 2024

For further information, please contact the mdw representative on the WP4 committee, Therese Kaufmann, or Veronika Leiner, Institutional Alliance Manager, at any time.

Research support

Mag.a Therese Kaufmann, MA

Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1
1030 Wien
1. Stock, Raum B 01 23
Tel. +43 1 711 55-6100