Research Conclave 2024

Friday, 1 March 2024, 9:00-16:30
1030, Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1,
spiel|mach|t|raum, S 02 25


The Research Conclave (Klausur der Wissenschaften, short KdW) 2024 was divided into two parts: In the morning, the topic “Research at the mdw - How we work” was discussed in working groups. In the afternoon, various formats and initiatives in the field of “Open Science / Science Communication” were presented in a World Café. In addition, insights into current research projects were provided in the proven form: As part of the "PosterCraze", each project had 90 seconds to present itself. The poster session after lunch provided space for in-depth discussions.

Welcome, Research Conclave 2024.

Welcome, Research Conclave 2024.

Poster Craze, Research Conclave 2024.

Poster Craze, Research Conclave 2024.

Poster Craze, Research Conclave 2024.

Poster Craze, Research Conclave 2024.

Poster Session, Research Conclave 2024.

Poster Session, Research Conclave 2024.

Poster Session, Research Conclave 2024.

Poster Session, Research Conclave 2024.

Poster Session, Research Conclave 2024.

Poster Session, Research Conclave 2024.

World Café, Research Conclave 2024.

World Café, Research Conclave 2024.

World Café, Research Conclave 2024.

World Café, Research Conclave 2024.

World Café, Research Conclave 2024.

World Café, Research Conclave 2024.

World Café, Research Conclave 2024.

World Café, Research Conclave 2024.

Plenum, Research Conclave 2024.

Plenum, Research Conclave 2024.

Plenum, Research Conclave 2024.

Plenum, Research Conclave 2024.

Working Groups “Research at the mdw - How we work”

  1. Digital Infrastructures (EN)
    Hosts: Montserrat Pàmies-Vilà, Malik Sharif
  2. Time and Spaces for Research / Forschungsfreiräume (EN)
    Hosts: Dagmar Abfalter, Alex Hofmann
  3. Recruitment (DE/EN)
    Hosts: Hannah Riedl, Melanie Unseld
  4. Career Development and Precarity / Karriereentwicklung und Prekarität (DE/EN)
    Hosts: Sarah Chaker, Marie Louise Herzfeld-Schild
  5. Well-Being and Support Structures (EN)
    Hosts: Javier Silvestrini, Monika Smetana

World Café: “Open Science / Science Communication: Initiatives and Formats”

Introduction and Moderation: Therese Kaufmann, Anna Wukovits-Zethner

  1. Young Science – Lust auf Wissenschaft machen
  2. Citizen Science – Participation of Society (EN)
  3. Media Practices – Communicating Science Successfully (EN)
  4. Wissenschaft ausstellen – intern und mit externen Partnern
  5. Open House – Be our Guest (EN)


Project Presentations

Musician Families: Constellations & Concepts (FWF 2022-2026)
Presentation: Julia Ackermann, Felix Dieterle, Clemens Kreutzfeldt, Bettina Schuster, Melanie Unseld (IMI)Philosophy In The Arts : Arts In Philosophy (FWF PEEK, 2024-2027)
Presentation: Arno Böhler, Susanne Valerie Granzer (ARC)Reverse Ethnomusicology: Migrant musicians as researchers (FWF / ÖAW Phonogrammarchiv, 2023-2025)
Presentation: Anja Brunner (PL, MMRC)
The Symphony Orchestra Musician: Social Constraints and Careers of Success
Presentation: Juan Escobar Campos, sdpChallenging the Theater of Memory: Yiddish Song beyond Kitsch and Stereotype (mdw AR Pilot 2022)
Presentation: Isabel Frey, Benjamin Fox Rosen (MMRC)
mei-friend, Signature Sound Vienna / E-LAUTE
Presentation: Werner Goebl, David Weigl (IWK)The Embodied Rhythm of Female, Queer and Non-Binary DJ Collectives: Identity, Memory and Resistance
Presentation: Tianyu Jiang, sdpAI-Assisted Annotation and Analysis of Music Performance (Horizon Europe MSCA, 2023-2024)
Presentation: Yucong Jiang (PL, IWK)Voice Research at the Antonio Salieri Institute
Presentation: Malte Kob (Antonia Salieri Institut)Ružake ģila / Ružas Lieder / Ruža’s Songs. A digital exhibition project of the MMRC (FWF, 2023-2025)
Presentation: Ursula Hemetek, Eva Leick (MMRC)The Bowed String (FWF, 2022-2025)
Presentation: Alessio Lampis (IWK)Virtual Reality Audio for Cyber Environments (VRACE) (EU Horizon 2020, 2019-2023)
Presentation: Titas Lasickas (IWK)Ways and Strategies of the Transmission of Knowledge – The Case of Traditional Music of the Afghan Rubab
Presentation: Peter Lell, sdp
Representations of Musical Culture. (Re)mediating Musical Heritage through Museums and Exhibitions of Musical Instruments and Music in Vienna (Working Title)
Presentation: Angelica Pinna, sdp



Research Support

Mag.a Therese Kaufmann, MA

Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1
1030 Wien
1. Stock, Raum B 01 23
Tel. +43 1 711 55-6100