Klausur der Wissenschaften

Since 2017, the Research Support Office has been organizing the “Klausur der Wissenschaften”.

This cross-institutional event promotes the joint development of strategic goals for the strengthening of research and corresponding measures at mdw.

Research Support

Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1
1030 Wien
1. Stock, Raum B 01 23
Tel. +43 1 711 55-6100


KdW offers all researchers at mdw the opportunity to discuss interdepartmental issues in topic-specific working groups and thus promotes networking and exchange with colleagues.

Since 2018, current research projects have been presented within the framework of a PosterCraze and a poster session.


Bullet Points KdW 2022

Project Presentations 2022

Bullet Points KdW 2021

Project Presentations 2021

PosterCraze 2020

PosterCraze 2019

PosterCraze 2018