Open Access Fund of mdw

mdw supports Open Access publications by mdw-affiliates. These publications may include articles in journals and books as well as stand-alone publications.

The prerequisite for this is the publication of Open Access articles and books in journals or with publishers listed in the internationally recognised indices (e.g. Directory of Open Access Journals - DOAJ, Directory of Open Access Books - DOAB, ERIHPLUS etc.). Underlying research data has to be stored in the mdwRepository.

Funding for Open Access publications will be awarded on a first come – first served basis and in accordance with the available funds. It is granted upon application by the Research Support Office and is complementary to the institutes' or external funds. Publication costs must not be covered by other funding. There is no legal right to the funding.

Funding is available for costs of up to € 1,000 per project (e.g. for APC1, editing, translation, etc.). In justified exceptional cases, larger amounts of funding, e.g. for BPC2, can be granted upon application (up to € 3,000).

Funding applications and project descriptions should be submitted informally to the Project Service of the Research Support Office ( Applications can be submitted on an ongoing basis.

A general condition for funding is that the "corresponding author" is affiliated with the mdw.

Further conditions:

  • description of the publication project (including title, corresponding author with an ID number, e.g. ORCID, if applicable other authors, if applicable publisher and corresponding agreements, planned/submitted/approved funding applications, etc.);
  • submission of a cost calculation and financing plan;
  • description of the peer review procedure or endorsement by an expert (for dissertations: endorsement by the supervisor);
  • after publication: transfer of the relevant information to the Research Support Office (especially persistent identifiers, e.g. DOI), including a copy of the balanced invoice for internal settlement (interne Verrechnung) as well as archiving of the OA publication in the institutional Open Access publication server pub.mdw.
  • No retroactive payment of funding.

mdw funding must be referred to in an appropriate form: "Veröffentlicht mit Unterstützung aus den Mitteln der Open-Access-Förderung der mdw – Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien" or "The authors acknowledge the financial support of the Open Access Fund of mdw - University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna" and mdw logo in printed books if possible.


Open Access at the mdw

Publication funding by the Austrian Science Fund FWF

Print costs grant of the City of Vienna

Print costs grant of the Österreichische Forschungsgemeinschaft (ÖFG)

Open Science Network Austria (OANA)



1 Article Processing Charges
2 Book Processing Charges


Project Service

Vitali Bodnar

Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1
1030 Wien
1. Stock, Raum B 01 23
Tel. +43 1 711 55-6114