Students' Union ÖH
at the mdw - University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna

The Austrian Student Union (ÖH) is the legal representation of students at universities. Membership in the ÖH is compulsory, which means that all students are automatically members of the Hochschüler_innenschaft. According to the legal regulations, the ÖH fee must be collected by the universities during the admission period. Of this fee, 70 cents are used for the ÖH accident and liability insurance, of the remaining amount, 13 percent goes to the federal representation and 87 percent to the respective university representation. According to the Student Union Law §15(1)Z1, a university representation (UV) and according to §15(1)Z5 corresponding study representations are to be established as organs of the student union. At the Department of Vocal Studies and Musical Theatre, the UV has established a student representative for voice and music theater direction.

student representative for voice and music theatre direction
Penzinger Straße 7-9
1140 Vienna
phone: +43 1 71155-8970
fax.: ö43 1 71155-8699

Tasks of the student representation of the student body according to § 20 of the Student Union Act (Hochschüler_innenschaftsgesetz)

1. to represent the interests of the students and to promote them within its sphere of activity;
2. nomination of the student representatives to be delegated by the university representation to the collegial bodies pursuant to § 25 para 8 subparas 1 to 3 UG in accordance with the statutes, in the case of all other educational institutions in accordance with the provisions of the respective organizational law;
3. to dispose of the budget allocated to the student representatives;
4. issuing statements on draft laws and ordinances;
5. advising applicants and students.

Legal consequences of acting as a student representative §31 Hochschüler_innenschaftsgesetz.

university representative of the Sutdents' Union
ANont-von-Webern-Platz 1
1030 Vienna
phone: +43 1 71155-8901

Tasks of the university representation of the Hochschüler_innenschaft according to §17 of the Hochschüler_innenschaftsgesetz (Student Union Act)

1. representation of the interests of its members for the area of the respective educational institution as well as its promotion, as far as they do not fall within the sphere of action of other organs of the Hochschülerinnen- und Hochschülerschaft;
2. to pass resolutions on the annual budget of the Student Union and on the distribution of the funds available from student contributions. At educational institutions with bodies pursuant to section 15(2), at least 30 per cent shall be made available to the student councils and at least 10 per cent shall be made available to the bodies pursuant to section 15(2). At educational institutions without governing bodies as defined in section 15(2) and at other educational institutions, at least 30 percent shall be made available to student representatives. In the distribution, care shall be taken to ensure that each of these bodies has at its disposal a minimum amount necessary for the performance of its duties;
3. disposal of the budget of the university representation;
4. passing resolutions on the annual financial statements of the University Students' Union;
4a. passing resolutions on the appointment of an auditor pursuant to section 40(3);
5. management of the administrative facilities necessary for the performance of the duties of all bodies of the Union of Students;
6. issuing statements on draft laws and ordinances;
7. delegation and deselection of student representatives to commissions and subcommissions of the university senate, in particular to collegial bodies pursuant to section 25(8)(1)-(3) UG, to all other educational institutions in accordance with the provisions of their organizational law, and to state authorities;
8. to appoint student representatives to the university senate from among the students of the university in accordance with the election procedure under section 52, in proportion to the votes of the electoral groups represented in the university council, and, in the case of all other educational institutions, in accordance with the provisions of the relevant organizational law;
9. coordinating the activities of the governing bodies pursuant to section 15(2), where such bodies have been established; and
10. advising applicants and students;
11. representing the interests of applicants.

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