Univ.-Prof. Karlheinz Hanser, Bariton
Ordinariate for Voice

Univ.-Prof. Karlheinz HanserThe Tyrolean baritone Karlheinz Hanser received his basic musical training as a choirboy with the Wilten Boys' Choir and from his father Karl Hanser, who was a flautist with the Tyrolean State Symphony Orchestra. After graduating from high school, he began studying to become a teacher of music and physical education at the Mozarteum University in Salzburg and at the Leopold Franzens University in Innsbruck, but soon turned to singing as part of his studies in instrumental (vocal) pedagogy at the Mozarteum University in Salzburg under Prof. Peter Ullrich. Karlheinz Hanser completed his diploma studies in solo singing with KS.Prof. Raimund Grumbach at the University of Music and Performing Arts Munich with a diploma in opera and a state-certified music teacher.

The baritone has appeared on the opera stage in several acclaimed projects at the Munich Opera School (Dr. Peter Kertz) and at the Bavarian Theatre Academy. Among other things, he sang the role of Papageno in Mozart's Magic Flute at the Prinzregententheater in Munich under the direction of Sir Collin Davis. In the concert sector, he received significant artistic impulses from Prof. Howard Arman. Concert activities at the Festival of Early Music in Innsbruck and the Berlin Festival of Early Music complete his artistic spectrum.

Karlheinz Hanser gained his first teaching experience as a voice teacher with the Wilten Boys' Choir (1986-1990) and at the music school of the market town of Wattens (1990-2000). From 1997 to 2007, he led a vocal class in artistic education at the Tyrolean State Conservatory in Innsbruck, where he subsequently worked intensively on the artistic and structural development of the educational institution as head of department, head of the vocal department, artistic advisor and administrator. During this time, Karlheinz Hanser successfully completed an advanced training course for musicians in management at the Management Center Innsbruck (MCI). Lectures at the Tiroler Musikschulwerk and the Association of Austrian Singing Teachers round off the teacher's activity profile.

In 2005, Karlheinz Hanser was appointed to the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna, where he initially worked as a visiting professor of singing at the Institute for Singing and Music Theater and was appointed university professor in the nominal subject of singing in 2007. In addition to his pedagogical activities, Karlheinz Hanser played a key role in the artistic and structural reorientation of the vocal study programs as part of the university reform as head of the institute (2007-2014), as chairman of the study commission for singing and music theater direction (2007-2010), as a member of the study commission for singing and music theater direction (since 2007) and as a main member of the Senate of the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna (2009-2013). A particular concern of the pedagogue is the targeted promotion of young Austrian singers in close cooperation with Musik der Jugend (jury activities). In recent years, the baritone has established himself as a vocal pedagogue at international level.

From October 1, 2022, Karlheinz Hanser will once again take over the management of the Institute for Singing and Music Theater at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna. It remains exciting!