Univ.-Prof.in KSin Edith Lienbacher, Sopran
Ordinariate for Voice

Edith Lienbacher, SopranThe Carinthian, Edith Lienbacher, began her vocal training at the Conservatory of Klagenfurt and continued her studies with KS Hilde Rössl-Majdan at the Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst Vienn. In 1984 she was engaged at the Opera Studio of the Vienna State Opera, the following year at the Vienna Volksoper and in 1989  she was committed to the Vienna State Opera by Eberhard Waechter.

Edith Lienbacher celebrated her first major international success in 1987 as Adele ("Die Fledermaus") under Nikolaus Harnoncourt at the Opera House Amsterdam. Since then she has made numerous guest appearances at international festivals such as the Bregenz Festival, the festival "d'Aix en Provence" and in 1990 for the first time at the Salzburger Festspiele as Italianische sängerin ("Capriccio") conducted by Horst Stein. 1991 and 1993 she sang Papagena at the Salzburger Festspiele ("Die Zauberflöte") conducted by Georg Solti and Bernard Haitink.

Following were appearances at the opera houses Amsterdam, Zurich, Barcelona, ​​Cologne, Venice, Milan's La Scala. This led to the collaboration with the conductors Mehta, Runnicles, Hager, Luisi, Welser-Möst, including performances in her head opera houses; Volksoper and Staatsoper as well as in Japan and China as a guest performer.

As a lied and oratorio singer, the artist has performed with the Vienna Symphony Orchestra, the Vienna Radio Symphony Orchestra, the Tonkünstler Orchestra of Lower Austria, the Dresden Philharmonic, the MDR Symphony Orchestra, the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra, amongst others.

Since 1985, Edith Lienbacher is an ensemble member of the Vienna Volksoper, where in 1999 she was awarded the title Kammersängerin. At this opera house she has sung (and is still singing) numerous roles out of Mozart repertoire, including Pamina, Susanna, Zerlina, Despina, Donna Anna, Konstanze, Erste Dame, Mademoiselle Siberklang  and Contessa Almaviva, and aside from that Ännchen ("Der Freischütz"), Marie ("Zar und Zimmermann"), Leila ("Die Perlenfischer"), Norina ("Don Pasquale"), Zerlina ("Frau Diavolo"), Gretel ("Hansel und Gretel"), Musetta ("La Boheme"), Marcellina ("Fidelio"). Frau Fluth ("Die Lustigen Weiber von Windsor"). In operetta she has in recent years developed roles such as Gabriele ("Wiener Blut"), Angèle ("Der Opernball"), Angelika Didier ("Der Graf von Luxembourg"), Hanna Glawari ("Die Lustige Witwe") and Rosalinde ("Die Fledermaus").

Moreover, her special interest lies in 20th century music with such roles as Titania ("A Midsummer Night's Dream"), Anne ("The Rake's Progress"), Nachtigall ("Die Vögel"), Füchslein Schlaukopf ("Das Schlaue Füchslein"), Malinka / Etherea / Kunka ("Die Ausflüge des Herrn Brouček").