Univ.-Prof. Sebastian Vittucci, Bariton
Ordinariate for Voice

Sebastian Vittucci, Bariton Studied music education at the Eastman School of Music at the University of Rochester - Bachelor of Music Education in 1977. Further studies at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna with Anton Dermota and Roman Ortner, voice with Gerhard Kahry. 1984 Diploma in Lied and Oratorio.

1986 Master of Music in solo voice at the University of Michigan School of Music, Ann Arbor with Eva Likova (GEsang), Jay Lesinger (opera) and Martin Katz (Lied). 1995 Graduated as a teacher of the Feldenkrais Method® at the International Feldenkrais Training in Vienna. 2001 Magister Artium in Lied and Oratorio at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna.

Artistic activities as concert and opera singer in Austria, USA, Germany, Italy, Hungary and Switzerland.

Since 1985 lecturer for voice training at various courses in Austria and abroad. 1988-93 Vocal teacher at the dance/vocal studio of the Vereinigte Bühnen Wien.

1991-2001 Lecturer for individual singing lessons at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna, Department of Music Pedagogy.

Since 1992 employed as a singing teacher at the Vienna Conservatory, Department of Solo Singing. Since 1994 at the Musical Department.

1995-2003 Head of department for solo singing, lied and oratorio at the Vienna Conservatory. 1996-2003 additionally teacher for the subject "Breathing Technique - Feldenkrais for Singers". 1998-2001 Initiator and main organizer of the project "Singing Day of the Open Door" at the Vienna Conservatory for the timely identification of talents for the next generation of Austrian singers.

Since 2001 professor of singing at the Institute for Singing and Music Theatre at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna.

National and international activities: Founding and board member of the Association of Austrian Voice Teachers (BÖG - since 2007 EVTA-Austria); International coordinator of Austria for the umbrella organizations EVTA (European Voice Teachers Association) and ICVT (International Congress of Voice Teachers; Juror at regional and national competitions. Lecturer at national and international congresses.

Scientific publications: "Accessing the Organic Logic of the Vocal Mechanism". In Bybee, Ariel and Ford, James The Modern Singing Master: Essays Commemorating Cornelius Reid. Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow Press 2002. "What is Belting?" in the journal of vocal pedagogy vox humana - October 2010 - translated into several languages and published in international journals.

2010-2011 Training in Spiraldynamik® with successful completion of "Spiraldynamik® Fachkraft Level Basic".

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