Katharina Czernin, Dancer
Lecturer for Breathing Techniques and Body Awareness

Katharina CzerninEducation:
Sportgymnasium, piano (10 years preparatory course at the Universität für Musik und Darstellende Kunst)
Dance ( Ballet, jazz, both modern and contemporary dance)
Movement (Gymnastics, Yoga, Qi Gong, Tai Qi ...)

Educational / Teaching:
Breathing and body training.:
3rd and 4th year At the Department of institute für Gesang und Musiktheater), Anatomy lectures

Ballet gymnastics: at Konservatorium Wien Privatuniversität

Musical: both modern and contemporary dance at the Institut für Gesang und Musiktheater (unfortunately only until 2009 due to the discontinuation of the course).

Rhythm department (Institute 13), Szene Bunte Wähne Festival, as well as dozens of courses and workshops in various schools and studios to "Krekita- Kreativer Kindertanz" for primary school pupils; 2014  taught bodywork at the International Summer Academy "ISA" for the 7th time.


Various collaborations with contemporary musicians and visual artists, as well as film
"Österreichisches Ensemble für Neue Musik", "Kompositionsforum Mittersill", Festspiel opening inSalzburg, etc.

Acting: Ancient (Antique) dramas (Oresteia, Alcestis ...), Garcia Lorca .....
Musical: for the Institut für Gesang und Musiktheater

Both modern, Contemporary dance: Konservatorium Wien "Mumok", soloist ...

Opera: for the Department of Voice and Music Theatre

Jury and administrative/leading position at dance competitions ("OETR")
"…Dance Is my form of expression, but I'm looking to establish  a creative collaboration with various art forms and artists, happily adapt and respond to different rooms, up to the dam in Kaprun and can adapt to and work with every style of music, as long as it's good music."