Verena Hanser, graduate speech therapist
Lecturer for Breathing Techniques Awareness, Diciton

Verena Hanser, SprecherzieherinShe completed her training as Dipl. Speech therapist at the AKH / Vienna, where she also gained first professional experience at the university’s primary ENT Hospital / phoniatrics department until 1992. In 1991 she also worked in private practice, with a focus on voice therapy / speech training / Voice Coaching. Amongst others, cooperation with ENT specialists like Dr. Kürsten sr. and Dr. Kürsten jr., Univ. Prof. DDr. Bigenzahn, Univ. Prof. Dr. Temmel and Univ. Prof. Dr. Schneider Stickler. Their clients are mostly personalities from the arts (singers, actors), politics and business.

Close cooperation with renowned singing teachers, various training courses on the subject of voice (singing and speaking voice), breathing, yoga, meditation, ballet, jazz dance, bodywork, myofunctional therapy have expanded her range of knowledge.

Since 2000 she has been working as a trainer for the ORF. In individual training sessions, she works with presenters, correspondents and TV or radio editors on pronunciation, modulation, accent, voice guidance, etc. Furthermore, she was course director of the "Stimmenservices für ORF Mitarbeiter". For the educational facility FH Baden she has held workshops on "voice" in the context of "German and Communication" for many years.

Since 2002 she has worked at the Institute for Voice and Musical Theatre as a lecturer for Breath training and physical training (Preparatory 1-4, 3-6 main course), since 2008 for speech training and since 2010 as senior lecturer.