Mag.a Agnes Trieblnig-Csákány, Pianist
Contract Teacher for Coaching

Agnes Trieblnig-CsákányAgnes Trieblnig-Csákány, studied conducting at the University of Music and Performing Arts in Vienna with Prof. Karl Österreicher, coaching with Dr. Harald Goertz and Piano - vocal accompaniment with Normen Shetler. She also graduated from the university course "breath, voice and movement education for in-instrumentalists" with Dr. Bernhard Riebl.

She has worked as an accompanist at various master classes for singing, for example with Franco Corelli, and accompanied singers in concerts and competitions, including; Gradus ad Parnassum, Palma d'oro in Italy, International Singing Competition in Geneva, Summer Academy Prague-Vienna-Budapest and has worked at “Bühnen der Stadt Nordhausen” in Germany for two years as solo accompanist.

Since 1993 she teaches at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna as a lecturer for piano and solo accompaniment. Starting in 1995 she has been working as a full-contract teacher for vocal accompaniment at the Department of Vocal Studies and Music Theatre.

In addition to her repertoire, which ranges from opera and operetta through to traditional song and oratorio to musicals, she has special knowledge about the style and performance practice of the bel canto repertoire.