Marco Micheletti, Pianist, Musicologist
Lecturer for Survey of Stylistics Periods

Italian pianist and musicologist Marco Micheletti, who has been living in Vienna since 2017, studied piano with Christa Bützberger, Marina Rossi and Klara Harrer-Baranyi, graduated from the "Conservatorio G. B. Martini" in Bologna and then completed a master's degree in chamber music. At the Centro Universale del Bel Canto in Modena he also studied opera correpetition with Mirella Freni and Paola Molinari. He completed his studies in musicology at the University of Bologna with a published master's thesis on Alessandro Scarlatti's Il Pompeo (Rome, 1683). Together with various singers, he has won several prizes as a duo in chamber music competitions (Nuovi orizzonti di Arezzo, Giuseppina Cobelli di Brescia, among others). His specialty is the little known Italian vocal chamber music repertoire (A. Rotoli, A. Buzzi-Peccia, R. Zandonai, etc.). He works with singers especially on Italian recitatives (especially with non-native speakers), da capo variations of the Baroque repertoire and transposition of arias with notation program. For the mdw's production Nozze die Figaro (Winter 2019), he served as language coach.

Translated with (free version)-16.05.2023