Subject Area of Applied Music Theory, Languages and Science

"A singer must understand the language of music in order to express it properly." (Luciano Pavarotti)
The knowledge of meaning and context is the goal of our teaching!
Young singers benefit in many ways from the content and offerings of the department "Applied Music Theory, Languages and Science". They can develop as artists by considering their art in a broader context.
*Exposure to musical fundamentals enables them to develop and implement their own musical ideas and present their music to audiences in interesting and relevant ways.
*By understanding musical fundamentals such as scales, harmonies, rhythms, and forms, they are able to better understand and interpret songs, arias, tunes. As a result, they interact with their accompanists and other musicians based on a shared understanding of musical concepts.
*Applied music theory helps them learn new, unfamiliar material effectively, and thus progress more quickly. *Extensive language training helps them sing in other languages, especially those they are not fluent in. This is not just about correct pronunciation and intonation. Rather, language training helps singers make an emotional connection to the texts they sing.
*Scientific engagement with artistic content creates the basis for an informed, critical, and reflective approach to their art. To summarize: The department supports young singers in improving their musical skills and abilities, optimizing their artistic performance, and realizing their potential.

Jürgen Tauber (, speaker of subject area for Applied Music Theory, Languages and Sciene

Dr.jur Armin Bammer, JuristArmin Bammer, Theatre and Stage Law
Mag.phil Oliver Binder, DramaturgOliver Binder, Dramaturgy Mag.a. phil. Nives Cavic-Podgornik, Russisch Nieves Cavic-Podgornik,
Russian for Singers
Charpentier-Leroy, Marie Micheline Dany, FranzösischMarie Micheline Dany Charpentier-Leroy, French for Singers
Mag.a Benedetta GiordanoBenedetta Giordano, Italian for Singers
Mag. Mag.phil. Dr.phil. Michael HammerschmidMichael Hammerschmid,
Walter Kobera, DirigentWalter Kobera,
Practicum for Modern Music
Marco Micheletti, Pianist, MusikwissenschafterMarco Micheletti, Survey for Stylistics Periods
Mag.phil. Olney, Rachel, MA (Cantab), BA - SprachwissenschaftlerinRachel Olney, German for Singers B1
Emillia Pellicca, BA MAEmilia Pelliccia, Wissenschaftliche Praxis|Methodik Wolfgang Schmidtmayr, Pianist, MusiktheoretikerWolfgang Schmidtmayr, Introduction to Music Theory|Musical Forms|Piano
SL Jürgen Tauber|Solfeggio|Modernes Musiktheater|OperetteJürgen Tauber,
Solfeggio|Interpretation of Musical Entertainment Theatre
ao.Univ.-Prof. Dr. Martin VachaMartin Vacha, Voice|Wissenschaftliche Arbeitstechnik Johannes Wenk, Organist, PianistJohannes Wenk, Piano

Bammer, Armin, Dr.iur. - Theatre and Stage Law | Binder, Oliver, Mag.phil. - Dramaturgy | Cavic-Podgornik, Nieves, - Russian for Singers | Charpentier-Leroy, Marie Micheline Dany - French for Singers | Giordano, Benedetta, Mag.phil. - Italian for Singers | Hammerschmid, Michael, Mag.Mag.phil.Dr.phil. - Poetics | Kobera, Walter - Practicum for Modern Music | Micheletti, Marco - Survey of Stylistics Periods | Olney, Rachel - German for Singers B1 | Pelliccia, Emilia - Methodik der wissenschaftlichen Arbeit | Schmidtmayr, Wolfgang, - Theory, Pianist | Tauber, Jürgen - Pianist | Vacha, Martin, MA MA PhD - Voice, Wissenschaftliche Arbeitstechnik | Wenk, Johannes, - Pianist