Subject Area of Coaching

Univ.-Prof. Manfred Schiebel, PianistSinging is inseparable from its accompaniment; this begins in training and continues until the end of one's career. Singers need their pianists not only for pure piano accompaniment, but also as an "ear from the outside" who can answer their musical, expressive, phonetic and intonational questions and offer them assistance in this regard. It is not without reason that the Correpetition Section at our Institute is the most represented in terms of the number of teachers. The members of this section are all technically mature pianists who have trained their ears to the problems of singers and are well-versed in their rich experience. After all, we not only act as pedagogues in the course of our studies, but we are also the only group within the teaching staff who act as active music makers by accompanying our students in the course of their studies in all public performances on the piano, be it class evenings, examinations, other concerts and events at the mdw (or outside), master classes, workshops, competitions up to recordings for external and internal use or auditions. This intensive collaboration between teachers and students often results in musical partnerships that extend beyond the course of study.
The faculty is divided into the group of those who supervise the vocal classes, which is the largest part that supervises students in the bachelor's program, but also in the master's programs of vocal performance and musical theater, as well as in the postgraduate program of voice in solo and class repetition, in addition, of course, there are the directors of studies in the opera and directing classes, who are in charge of rehearsals and project repetitions, as well as the song accompanists for vocal repetition and concert repertoire in the respective master's programs, and some specialties, such as our experts for recitative, musical interpretation, song and concert preparation, French and Slavic vocal literature, and others.
Every single member of the group has specialties, and so it also happens that students often consult the respective experts for certain repertoire in individual lessons, for which each of the répétiteurs is happy to help further. I am always pleased to receive questions, which I am happy to answer to the best of my knowledge and belief, both from colleagues and students. You are also welcome to contact my deputy, Ms. Agnes Trieblnig-Csakany.

Manfred Schiebel (, speaker of subject area for Coaching
Agnes Trieblnig-Csákány (, deputy speaker of subject area for Coaching

Nina Violetta Aichner, PianistNina Violetta Aichner, Coaching Menan Bërveniku-Brunner, PianistMenan Bërveniku-Brunner, Studienleitung Opera Class Istvan Bonyhadi, PianistIstvan Bonyhadi, Coaching
Joëlle Bouffa, PianistJoëlle Bouffa,
Coaching|French Song Andreas Fröschl, PianistAndreas Fröschl, Vocal Accompaniment
Luisella Germano, PianistLuisella Germano, Coaching|Reciative Chihiro Gordon BA MA.MA.MA, PianistChihiro Gordon, Coaching
Sayuri Hirano MA, PianistSayuri Hirano, Coaching
Tatiana Kachko, PianistTatiana Kachko, Coaching
Mag. Marcin Koziel, PianistMarcin Koziel, Coaching
Prof. Matthias Lademann, PianistMatthias Lademann, Focus Art Song
Elena Larina, PianistElena Larina, Coaching|Slavic Art SOng
Junghyun Lee, Mag.aJunghyun Lee, Coaching Project
Daniel Linton-France, Dirigent, PianistDaniel Linton-France, Musical Interpretation in Bachelor Voice
Masutani Nana; MA, PianistMasutani Nana, Music Basic Drama Coahing Project
István Mátyás, Organist, PianistIstván Mátyas, Coching|Praxis Konzertrepertoire
Mag. Dieter Paier, PianistDieter Paier, Vocal Accompaniment|Praxis Konzertrepertoire
Lorelai Petrescu, PianistLorelai Petrescu, Coaching
Dr. Pantelis Polychronidis, PianistPantelis Polychronidis, Musical Theatre Direction Coaching Project
Manfred Schiebel, PianistManfred Schiebel, Coaching Agnes Trieblnig-Csacany, PianistAgnes Trieblnig-Csákány, Coaching
Zita Tschirk, PianistZita Tschirk, Coaching

Aichner, Nina Violetta - Coaching| Bërveniku-Brunner, Mennan, - Coaching Project | Bonyhadi, Istvan, - Coaching| Bouffa, Joëlle - Coaching| Fröschl, Andreas, - Vocal Accompaniment| Germano, Luisella - Coaching, Recitative| Gordon, Chihiro - Coachiong | Hirano, Sayuri, MA - Coaching | Kachko, Tatiana - Coaching | Keil, Hartmut - Musical Interpretation in Bachelor Voice|  Kozieł, Marcin, - Coaching | Lademann, Stephan Matthias, Prof. - Focus Art Song | Larina, Elena, - Coaching | Linton-France, Daniel - Coaching Project | Masutani, Nana, MA - Copaching Project | Mátyás, István, - Coaching| Paier, Dieter, - Vocal Accompaniment | Petrescu, Lorelai - Coaching Project | Polychronidis, Pantelis, Dr. - Musikalische Interpretation Musiktheaterregie | Schiebel, Manfred - Coaching | Trieblnig-Csákány, Agnes - Coaching | Tschirk, Zita - Coaching