Our Team!

Univ.-Prof. Karlheinz Hanser, BaritonThe importance of an educational institution, apart from outstanding students and the best infrastructural conditions, is primarily defined by the quality of teaching. To this end, the Department of Vocal Studies and Musical Theatere at the mdw - University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna has teachers of outstanding international artistic and pedagogical reputation. In view of a more flexible professional profile with an abundance of highly specialized sub-areas, modern training in the professional fields of singing can only take place as a team. In this respect, all colleagues are committed to participative collaboration and cooperation. The pluralism of opinions and didactic approaches represents a profile strength of the artistic and teaching enterprise, which is supported by the commitment to the free expression of opinion and the freedom of art and teaching.
For organizational support in artistic-pedagogical agendas, the subject areas of Applied Music Theory, Languages and Musicology (Speakter: Jürgen Tauber), Performance (Speaker: Ferdinando Chefalo), Singing (Speaker: Rainer Trost), Repetition (Speaker: Manfred Schiebel) Lied|Oratorio|Concert (Speaker: Justus Zeyen), Music Theater|Music Theater Direction (Speaker: Helen Malkowsky) and Administration (Speaker: Kerstin Pichler).

Karlheinz Hanser, Head and Dean of the Department


Nina Violetta Aichner, PianistinNina Violetta Aichner,
Univ.-Prof.in M.Mus. Laura Leigh Aikin, SopranLaura Leigh Aikin, Voice
Doris BaumkirchnerDoris Baumkirchner, Library
Dr.jur Armin Bammer, JuristArmin Bammer, Theater and Stage Law
Mag.art Menan Bërveniku-Brunner, PianistMenan Bërveniku-Brunner, Coaching Studienleitung Opernklasse
Mag.phil Oliver Binder, DramaturgOliver Binder, Dramaturgy
Univ.-Prof. Florian Boesch, BassbaritonFlorian Boesch, Art Song|Oratorio|Concert
Mag.art Istvan Bonyhadi, PianistIstvan Bonyhadi, Coaching
Joëlle Bouffa, PianistinJoëlle Bouffa, Coaching|French Song
Prof.in. Mag.a. phil. Nives Cavic-Podgornik, Russisch Nives Cavic-Podgornik, Russian for Singers
Charpentier-Leroy, Marie Micheline Dany, FranzösischMarie Micheline Dany Charpentier-Leroy, French for Singers
Ferdinandi Chefalo, TänzerFerdinando Chefalo, Dance and Movement Education
Katharina Czernin, TänzerinKatharina Czernin, Breathing Techniques and Body Awareness
Wolfgang DoschWolfgang Dosch, scenic dramatic teaching|Operette
Univ.-Prof. Peter Edelmann, BaritonPeter Edelmann, Voice
Manuela Ehrenfried, SekretariatManuela Ehrenfried| Administration Office
Univ.-Prof.in Daniela Fally, SopranDaniela Fally, Voice
Mag.art Mag.art Andreas Fröschl|PianistAndreas Fröschl, Vocal Accompaniment
Ing. Andreas FrüchtlAndreas Früchtl, Media Knowledge
Luisella Germano, PianistinLuisella Germano, Coaching|Recitative
Mag.a Benedetta GiordanoBenedetta Giordano, Italian for Singers
Claudia Goebl, Mental CoachClauida Goebl, Mental Coaching
Mag.art Chihiro Gordon BA MA.MA.MAChihiro Gordon, Coaching
Univ.-Prof. Markus HadullaMarkus Hadulla|
Mag. Mag.phil. Dr.phil. Michael HammerschmidMichael Hammerschmid, Poetics
Univ.-Prof. Karlheinz HanserKarlheinz Hanser, Voice
Diplomlogopädin Verena HanserVerena Hanser, Breathing Techniques and Body Awareness|Dicition
Univ.-Prof.in Hermine Haselböck-Littasy, MezzosopranHermine Haselböck-Littasy, Voice
Marie Helle|Musikdramatische GrundausbildungMarie Helle, Music Drama Basic Training
Sayuri Hirano MA, PianistinSayuri Hirano, Coaching
Tatiana Kachko, PianistTatiana Kachko, Coaching
Hartmut Keil, DirigentHartmut Keil, Musical Interpretation in Bachelor Voice
Univ.-Prof.in KS.in Angelika Kirchschlager, MezzosopranAngelika Kirchschlager, Art Song|Oratorio|Concert
Günther KittlerGünther Kittler, Assistance Stage Performance
em.o.Univ.-Prof.in Margit Klaushofer, SopranMargit Klaushofer, Voice
Walter Kobera, DirigentWalter Kobera, Practicum for Modern Music
Mag. Marcin Koziel, PianistMarcin Koziel, Coaching
Markus Kupferblum, RegisseurMarkus Kupferblum, Drama|Endsemble
Prof. Matthias Lademann, PianistMatthias Lademann, Focus Art Song|Basic Training to Art Song and Oratorio
Elena Larina, PianistinElena Larina, Coaching|Slavic Art Song
Junghyun Lee, PianistinJunghyun Lee,
Project Coaching
Univ.-Prof.in Edith LienbacherEdith Lienbacher, Voice
Daniel Linton-France, Dirigent, PianistDaniel Linton-France, Musical Interpretation BA
Univ.-Prof.in Helen Malkowsky, RegisseurinHellen Malkowsky, Stage Performance
Univ.-Prof. Peter Marschik. DirigentPeter Marschik, Musical Interpretation
Masutani Nana; MA, PianistinMasutani Nana, Project Coaching Music Drama Basic Training
István Mátyás, Organist, PianistIstván Mátyas, Coaching
Bejun MehtaBejun Mehta, Voice
Univ.-Prof. Christoph Ulrich Meier, Pianist, DirigentChristoph Ulirch Meier, Musical Interpretation
Dr.in Birgit Meyer, Dramaturgische ProjektbetreuungBirigt Meyer, dramaturgical project support
Marco Micheletti, Pianist, MusikwissenschafterMarco Micheletti, Survey of Stylistics Periods
Mag.a Julia Münster, StylistinJulia Münster, Introduction to Costumes
Gero Nievelstein, SchauspielerNero Nievelstein, Drama|Ensemble
Mag.phil. Olney, Rachel, MA (Cantab), BA - SprachwissenschaftlerinRachel Olney, German for Singers B1
Mag. Dieter Paier, PianistDieter Paier, Vocal Accompaniment
Mag.a Frances Pappas, Sängerin, RegisseurinFrances Pappas, Assistence Stage Performance
Emillia Pellicca, BA MAEmilia Pelliccia, Wissenschaftliche Praxis|Methodik
Lorelai Petrescu, KorrepetitionLorelai Petrescu, Coaching
Ana Petrovic, LehrlingAna Petrovic, Trainee
Chris Pichler, SchauspielerinChris Pichler, Drama|Ensemble
Kerstin Pichler, SekretariatKerstin Pichler, Administration Office
Dr. Pantelis Polychronidis, PianistPantelis Polychronidis, Musical Theatre Direction Coaching Project
Christian Reisinger, LichttechnikerChristian Reisinger, Beleuchtung
Univ.-Prof.in Eva Maria Riedl-BuschanEva Maria Riedl-Buschan, Voice
Roman SadnikRoman Sadnik, Music Drama Basic Training
Univ.-Prof. Anton ScharingerAnton Scharinger, Voice
Manfred SchiebelManfred Schiebel, Coaching
Mag.art Wolfgang Schmidtmayr, Pianist, MusiktheoretikerWolfgang Schmidtmayr, Introduction to Music Theor|Musical Forms|Piano
Univ.-Prof.in Michaela SchusterMichaela Schuster,
Roland Schwab, Szenische Gestaltung der Musikdramatischen DarstellungRoland Schwab, Stage Performance
Edith Christine Schwarzbauer, BibliothekEdith Christine Schwarzbauer| Library
Robert SimmaRobert Simma, KBB|
Music Drama Basic Training
Simone Uta, SprachgestaltungSimone Uta, Diction
Günther Strahlegger, Bariton, SprecherzieherGünther Strahlegger, Diction
Mirjam Swoboda, SekretariatMirjam Swoboda|Administration Office
SL Jürgen Tauber|Solfeggio|Modernes Musiktheater|OperetteJürgen Tauber,
Solfeggio|Interpretation of Musical Entertainment Theatre
Mag.art Agnes Trieblnig-Csacany, PianistinAgnes Trieblnig-Csákány, Coaching
Zita Tschirk, PianistinZita Tschirk, Coaching
Univ.-Prof. Rainer TrostRainer Trost, Voice
ao.Univ.-Prof. Dr. Martin VachaMartin Vacha, Voice|Wissenschaftliche Arbeitstechnik
Univ.-Prof.in Claudia ViscaClaudia Visca, Voice
Univ.-Prof. Sebastian VittucciSebstian Vittucci, Voice
Mag.art Johannes Wenk, Organist, PianistJohannes Wenk, Piano
Annette WunschAnnette Wunsch, Drama
Univ.-Prof. Justus ZeyenJustus Zeyen, Art Song|Orotario|Concert