Plakat: Fair in Wort und Bild - Ein Leitfaden für die mdw 2016"Fair in Words and Images" - Guidelines for the mdw
Encouraging fair and inclusive communication at the mdw is the purpose of the guidelines on gender-inclusive language contained in this brochure.
Entitled “Fair in Wort und Bild” [Fair in Words and Images], it summarises the most important basics of gender-inclusive language.
This set of guidelines was unveiled publicly on 8 March 2016 by Rector Sych, Vice Rector Müller, Andrea Ellmeier, Katharina Pfennigstorf, and Angelika Silberbauer. Mieze Medusa and Giga Ritsch, with their poetry performances, got the audience both laughing and thinking in a way that broke through long-standing patterns of thought.
More information on this event can be found on the German version of this website.

