General terms and Conditions:

The competition  takes place from 10.12.2022 online and from 27.2.2023 at the mdw – University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna.



1. 9. 2022

Notification  on admission to the competition (second round) will be given via E-mail.

AWARD-WINNERS CONCERT incl. award  presentation on 4.3.2023 at "Muth".

The order of performance will be determined by lottery online in the presence of the ensembles.


String quartets and piano trios of all nationalities are admitted.

Application Deadline: 1.9.2022

Age limit:     born on or after 1 January 1987


In order to compete, each ensemble must successfully complete the online registration procedure at  as well as pay a registration  fee. The following documents must be sent along with the registration form.


The documents indicated above must be uploaded using the “Registration“ link on our website:


for string quartets                          EUR 240,–

for piano trios                                EUR 180,–


The participation  fee must be transeferred

”free of charge for the recipient“ to the following account:


Account holder:      Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien

Bank:                  Bank Austria

IBAN:                  AT 12 1200  0514  2859  0201

BIC:                    BK AUA TWW

Purpose:            8. Internationaler  J. Haydn Kammermusik

        Wettbewerb WB07HW01


Ensemble registrations will be accepted only in full (all documents including  Video-upload) and with the participation  fee having been trans- ferred by 1.9.2022.


Following receipt of the participation fee, your registration will be confirmed by E-mail and thus become legally binding. Reimbursement of the participation fee is not possible, not even in cases of non-participation. Registration for the competition automatically  entails participants‘ acceptance of the competition rules.


Acceptance of a registration is final only once the participation fee has arrived in our account.




A.      The Pre-selection  (first  round) will be undertaken by an expert panel in Vienna based on the submitted  Video-upload. This panel‘s decision will be final.

(Submission deadline: 1.9.2022)

B.      Invitations  to the second (online) round will be announced by the competition office via E-mail.

C.      The second round will also be online. All videos mus be uploaded until 10.12.2022. Admission to the Semifinal enables the candidates to apply to the Foreign Ministry for a corresponding  visa to enter Austria, if needed.

D.      The order of performance for the simifinal (from 27.2.2023) will be determined online by lottery, in presence of the ensembles. Subsequently, the dates and times of the semifinal performances will be set for each ensemble.

E.      No lateness of any kind will be tolerated, unless it is compatible with the normal conduct of the competition and due to causes accepted by the competition office following consultation with the organisational committee.

F.      All decisions pertaining to the competition‘s conduct and results are made by the jury and are final.




A.     The mdw will not cover any stay-related expenses (room and board) incurred by the participating  candidates. The competition  office can, however, assist participants  in searching for suitable accommodations.

B.     Video and audio recordings as well as radio and television broadcasts of the competition are planned.

      C.     The organiser  of the competition reserves all rights (including those pertaining to any possible audio or video recordings and their broadcast and/or presentation via other modes); no claims by third parties will be acknowledged.

D.     By signing the application  form, all ensemble members grant the competition organiser the right to publish and pass on to third parties information pertaining to the ensemble and its members.

E.      It is highly recommended that ensembles use the editions indicated by the competition  or ones that are as true as possible to the original. Upon the jury‘s request, candidates must present the scores being used.

      F.     All live rounds  are open to the public.

G.     The rules and regulations of the International Joseph Haydn Chamber Music Competition  2023 will be published in two languages (German and English).

Only the German text is to be viewed as official and legally binding.

H.    Should the organisational committee decide to cancel the competition, the accepted participants will be entitled to reimbursement of the participation fee.