8th International Joseph Haydn Chamber Music Competition


Congratulations to our Prize-Winners!


Piano Trio:


  1. Prize (ex aequo): Trio Bohemo and Trio Pantoum
  2. Prize: Trio Incendio

String Quartet:


2. Prize: Chaos String Quartet
Spezial Prizes:

Best interpretation of a work by Joseph Haydn:


Trio Bohemo

Best interpretation of the commissioned work:


Trio Incendio
Chaos String Quartet

Best interpretation of a work of the "Viennese School" or a similar work:

Chaos String Quartet


Audience Prize:

Trio Bohemo

Chaos String Quartet



Credit: Stephan Polzer Credit: Stephan Polzer Credit: Stephan Polzer Credit: Stephan Polzer

8th International Joseph Haydn Chamber Music Competition 2023




2023 the International  Joseph Haydn Chamber Music Competition  will see young  string quartets and piano trios from all over the world converge on Vienna to compete artistically for the eighth time. The competition,  held since 2001, has by now developed into one of the young international  chamber music scene’s largest and most important  such events.

Alongside its reputation,  considerable cash prizes, provided by respected institutions, friends and partners of the mdw – University of Music and Performing  Arts Vienna itself, provide the incentive for the best young ensembles to step up and compete with their colleagues.

The focus, of course, is on the competition’s  namesake himself: Joseph Haydn, the pioneer of Viennese Classicism and “father“  of chamber music. Playing Haydn’s music skilfully  and in a way that does it appropriate justice is one of the biggest challenges for young professional  ensembles. But alongside Haydn’s chamber music oeuvre, the competition also places a deliberate and special emphasis on Viennese Classicist chamber music works in general, as well as on works of the Second Viennese School. In each of these categories, importance  is accorded to stylistically appropriate musical interpretation and the building of bridges between the two eras in question. A further  area of emphasis is the promotion  of contemporary classical music. This aspect is served especially by the composing competition held in cooperation with the Department of Music Composition and Electroacoustics, the winning works of which are made part of the competition’s compulsory repertoire.

My special thank to all the long-time and new partners and supporters of the International  Joseph Haydn Chamber Music Competition, and especially to our home institution, the mdw – University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna; they all enable us to offer young, up-and-coming ensembles from all over the world a podium in Vienna, the City of Music, and to help jump-start their international careers!

o. Univ.-Prof. Avedis Kouyoumdjian

President of the Jury




Online-application:  01.07.2022 - 01.09.2022