String quartets and piano trios of all nationalities are admitted.

Application Deadline: 1.9.2022

Age limit:     born on or after 1 January 1987


In order to compete, each ensemble must successfully complete the online registration procedure at www.haydn-competition.com  as well as pay a registration  fee. The following documents must be sent along with the registration form.


A.   Curriculum vitae in German and in English

B.   A photo  in good resolution (at least 300 dpi) sent by mail

C.   An unedited, high-quality  live video recording - upload

D.   Two letters of recommendation

E.   In cases of exclusive contracts with agents, record

companies, or similar organisations, clearance on the part of

such organisations  is necessary for the ensemble to meet

the commitments resulting from the participation in the




A.    Copy of his/her passport


Incomplete application materials will result in exclusion from the competition. The organising committee may, at its discretion, allow ensembles to participate in the competition in cases where the difference between the materials required and those provided is marginal and does not contradict  the competition  rules.



for string quartets                          EUR 240,–

for piano trios                                EUR 180,–


The participation  fee must be transeferred

”free of charge for the recipient“ to the following account:


Account holder:      Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien

Bank:                  Bank Austria

IBAN:                  AT 12 1200  0514  2859  0201

BIC:                    BK AUA TWW

Purpose:            8. Internationaler  J. Haydn Kammermusik

        Wettbewerb WB07HW01


Ensemble registrations will be accepted only in full (all documents including  Video-upload) and with the participation  fee having been trans- ferred by 1.9.2022.


Following receipt of the participation fee, your registration will be confirmed by E-mail and thus become legally binding. Reimbursement of the participation fee is not possible, not even in cases of non-participation. Registration for the competition automatically  entails participants‘ acceptance of the competition rules.


Acceptance of a registration is final only once the participation fee has arrived in our account.