Univ.-Prof. Adriano DEL SAL


Guitar (ME, IME, IGP, MTH, MBP, KF)
Guitar as a main artistic subject and artistic major

Instrumental Didactics for Guitar 01, 02
Teaching Practice Guitar (Advanced Classic), Didactics Guitar (Advanced Classic)

Contact: del-sal@mdw.ac.at


“Adriano Del Sal is one of the most eminent young artists of recent years. His extraordinary musical gifts and deep artistic sensibility as well as his overall technical mastery of the instrument make Del Sal’s appearances unforgettable … a true virtuoso on his instrument.” – Paolo Pegoraro

Adriano Del Sal was born in 1977 and began studying guitar with Stefano Viola at the State Conservatory of Music “Jacopo Tomadini” in Udine, where he graduated as a student of Guido Fichtner in 1999. He simultaneously attended courses at the “F. Tárrega” Academy in Pordenone, where he received further musical instruction from Stefano Viola and Paolo Pegoraro.

Del Sal also attended numerous master classes given by important concert guitarists such as David Russel, Manuel Barrueco, Stefano Grondona, Alberto Ponce, Angelo Gilardino, and Carlo Marchione, and he went on to win twelve first prizes at international competitions. His victory at the international Julian Arcas Classical Guitar Competition in Almeria, Spain led to the recording of his first solo CD for Radio Nacional de España, and he was subsequently awarded the Golden Guitar (La chitarra d’oro) in Alessandria, Italy in 2003 as that year’s best up-and-coming international artist. He went on to win first place at the prestigious “Città di Alessandria” International Music Competition in 2004, and he also won the historic 2009 edition of the International Francisco Tárrega Competition in Benicássim, Spain.

Adriano Del Sal has appeared at most of the important international festivals in Italy, Germany, Mexico, Russia, Ukraine, and Slovenia— and as early as 2001, David Russel was describing him as one of the world’s best living concert guitarists. He currently teaches at the Segovia Guitar Academy in Pordenone and has been a professor at the mdw – University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna since the autumn of 2015.


Adriano Del Sal (photo: pirvate)